Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰'s Reviews > Gods & Monsters

Gods & Monsters by Saffron A. Kent
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"Every day I fucking drown in you and I don’t wanna come up for air."

Don't read this review.
Especially don't read this review if you plan on picking up this book in the future.

However, if you do plan on reading this review - I will hide the spoilers, but that will not take away from the fact that I am going to be addressing a very important issue in today's reader society. Specifically, that which occurs in the New Adult / Romance genre.

→ Some of you will agree.
→ Some of you will choose to ignore it.
→ Most of you will be fucking furious.


I'm going to start this off with some facts.

A survey done in 2014 (out of 815 participants) showed that 98% of the reader-based audience that reads romance novels are female.


It's human nature to learn from external stimuli, so everytime a person picks up a book. Without a single doubt, we take away something from it. Even if it's a new word we don't understand or a scenario that we know now can be solved a certain way in life.

We are social beings. A lot of the time, what we do also affects others.

Here's something that (and I can explain this in no other way) literally makes me want to cry and throw up at the same time:
I imagine a girl, or any influential person picking up books like this one. Reading till the bitter end, and taking away that no matter how fucking toxic and unhealthy a relationship can be. It's okay to get back together with that source of toxicity in your life.

I have experienced the toxicity that a relationship can come with and I've grown stronger from it. It can destroy every single thing, and love is a fickle thing that can make or break you as a person.

Enter our characters.
Evie Hart and Abel Adams.

We get the dichotomous retelling of Adam and Eve, as the towns princess falls for the local outcast. Leaving aside all the cliche tropes and the cringey lines, we also get their story from start to present. The time jumps can get confusing, but it's cute so we'll stick with it..right?

I started seeing the signs at about the 20% mark, folks.
It was like a chill that very eerily ran down my spine and I couldn't stop reading because for the life of me, I was hoping that this would be a story that showed how wrong love can get.

There's this quote that comes to mind now that I've read till the end page.

"You made flowers grow in my lungs, and that was beautiful... except I couldn't breathe."

I thought that this story was going to end telling the readers that it's not okay to let yourself go through an unhealthy and mentally abusive relationship because "she/he loves me and I can't live without them." However, it ended with both characters getting back together. Right there for that "Happily Ever After".

A Timeline


1) This may come as a surprise, but I actually started this book thinking this was going to be the best damn thing. The writing was good, the young love trope was going well, and the narration was spot on for the visual image of the characters in my head.

"Abel’s watching me in a new way. I’ve never been watched like that. Like if he moved his eyes, I’d disappear and he’d never see me again."

2) Then I saw it. Not through the characters words. Through the words from the characters father.

"He used to say, don’t ever take no for an answer from the woman you love, Abel. Keep at it. She’s gonna give in eventually. She’s gonna see how much you love her.”

3) Then it became this uncomfortable feeling because I hoped this book wouldn't be exactly what it was to me.

“No, I don’t. If this is how you want sex, it’s not going to work.”
“Oh, I’m gonna wear you down, Pixie. You’ll see.”
I think he loves it when I say no.

4) Here's the argument that I told myself, Evie gets it. She sees that this is a toxic relationship. The author is indirectly showing the audience how wrong somethings can get with unhealthy and obsessive love. So I told myself that this story would end unconventionally, that even though this is their love story. It's not one that shows how beautiful love can make a person, but shows how heartbreakingly ugly it can get. Truly, it would have gotten all the stars in the galaxy if it had done that.

"In fact, even our arguments end up in sex. Especially, when I scream at him to pick up his clothes because he’s a slob, or demand that he close the door while taking a piss, as he calls it. “Boundaries, Abel!”
He laughs, finishes up his business in the bathroom and fucks me against the wall of the hallway."

5) Now we see how the heroine is weak. It dragged with how tedious it was. I wanted to scream at my kindle because even after our Evie starts to understand how wrong their type of love is, she is too weak to make a stand.

"As he opens the flap and gets it going, I realize I don’t want the camera. I don’t want Abel to tape our sex. I want him to look at me, be with me in the moment. In the next second, he thrusts inside me once again and my back arches, making my protests dissolve on my tongue."

6) It got near the end and we finally got Abel's point of view.

"I will tie her to the bed and fuck her and fuck her until she forgets everything else but me. Or until I put a baby in her and can’t run from me again."

(view spoiler)

"You don’t have bad parents and do porn to get revenge. Risking as well getting pregnant. Not in a book where the writer can control the content and we’ve seen enough documentaries to know the truth. " - A Note from Tia's Amazon Review.

A Note
I really don't have any ill intent towards the author or the people who loved this book. I love that every single person in the world can read a book and perceive it in a different manner. This is my opinion. I wanted needed to share it because that's what writing reviews is all about. I wanted to love this book. I really did.
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Reading Progress

February 13, 2018 – Shelved
February 13, 2018 – Shelved as: arc
February 13, 2018 – Shelved as: contemporary-romance
February 13, 2018 – Shelved as: erotica
February 13, 2018 – Shelved as: forbidden-fruit
February 13, 2018 – Shelved as: new-adult
February 13, 2018 – Shelved as: romance
February 13, 2018 – Shelved as: young-love
February 13, 2018 – Shelved as: standalone
February 14, 2018 – Started Reading
February 14, 2018 – Shelved as: alex-rolled-her-eyes-way-too-often
February 14, 2018 – Shelved as: childhood-lovers
February 14, 2018 – Shelved as: don-t-think-with-your-dick
February 14, 2018 – Shelved as: never-again
February 14, 2018 – Shelved as: pop-that-cherry
February 14, 2018 – Shelved as: unlikeable-characters
February 14, 2018 – Shelved as: unpopular-opinion
February 14, 2018 – Shelved as: what-the-actual-fuck
February 14, 2018 – Shelved as: no-in-every-language-in-the-cosmos
February 14, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 101-150 of 188 (188 new)

Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic Your honest review is spectacular! I agree with so much of what you've put down about this book. So Much!! xo

message 102: by TANISHA (new) - added it

TANISHA wow!!!! was the review

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Maida»-(¯`v´¯)-» wrote: "GREAT, honest review, Alex! I finished this yesterday and your review describes exactly how I feel about this book. I love this author's writing, but I just couldn't connect with the "romance" in t..."

Thank you so much, Maida <3 I really hope this reviews comes out more as a reflection of how books in the romance genre are starting to tilt a bit rather than just this book in specific. I know a lot of people who loved this!! Thank you so much, means a lot to me <3 x

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Natalie wrote: "Your honest review is spectacular! I agree with so much of what you've put down about this book. So Much!! xo"

Thank you, Natalie! I just read your review and I appreciate what you liked about it too! The writing was good and I grew to the first part but unfortunately, I really hated where it went afterwards... Your review was wonderful, lovely <3 x

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ TANISHA wrote: "wow!!!! was the review"

Thank you, love <3 x

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Bibi wrote: "Alex, Alex, Alex. This review? Wow."

Ahhhh!! Thank you, Bibi! All the love for you <3 xx

Christie«SHBBblogger» I can’t tell you what mad respect I have for you after reading this!!! BRAVO, lady! This needed to be said!!!! I agree with every word of this.

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Sophie "Beware Of The Reader" wrote: "WOW!!!"

Thank you, Sophie <3 xx

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Christie«SHBBblogger» wrote: "I can’t tell you what mad respect I have for you after reading this!!! BRAVO, lady! This needed to be said!!!! I agree with every word of this."

Wow... that just made my day! Thank you so so much!!! xx

~**Anna**~ A Romance Reader Great review, Alex! I agree with you. This book wasn’t good for me either :(

message 112: by Beatrix (new) - rated it 1 star

Beatrix Thank you so much for this review, Alex!

I was going to read this book, 'cause I like this author's style of writing, but now that I think about it...her previous novel The Unrequited also romanticized toxic relationship and I hated that.

♥ britt (Blissfully-Read) ♥ Sorry this was such a bust for you Alex :( I've heard not so great things about the author's previous book so I'll definitely be passing on this one!!

~Stéphanie~ Unfortunately the book wasn't much better for me :/ I didn't feel the exact same way you do but I understand your pov completely.
Fantastic review Alex

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ ~**Anna**~ A Romance Reader wrote: "Great review, Alex! I agree with you. This book wasn’t good for me either :("

I loved your review <3 Ah I guess we both got busts

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Beatrix wrote: "Thank you so much for this review, Alex!

I was going to read this book, 'cause I like this author's style of writing, but now that I think about it...her previous novel [book:The Unrequited|348390..."

Thank YOU for telling me that, now I know to stay away from it... A lot of people really loved this book. So I wouldn't take my review as the final word. But thank you, love <3 xx

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ ♥ BRITT (BLISSFULLY-READ) ♥ wrote: "Sorry this was such a bust for you Alex :( I've heard not so great things about the author's previous book so I'll definitely be passing on this one!!"

Thank you, Britt <3

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ ~ Stéphanie ~ Tied up in Romance ~ wrote: "Unfortunately the book wasn't much better for me :/ I didn't feel the exact same way you do but I understand your pov completely.
Fantastic review Alex"

I loved your review for this one too. I agreed with you on so many things! Thank you, love xx

message 119: by Joe (new)

Joe Krakovsky There are a lot of 'likes' and comments here. If folks are against it then they should pass the word and not buy the book. A friend of mind runs "We Are Her", a site dealing with abuse. Any abuse destroys beautiful people, and we should not allow it to grow (by creating a market for it). I enjoy your reviews, Alex, but adding quotes like "Fuck me brainless" does little to discourage some people from wanting to read further. -- Just my opinion.

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Joe wrote: "There are a lot of 'likes' and comments here. If folks are against it then they should pass the word and not buy the book. A friend of mind runs "We Are Her", a site dealing with abuse. Any abuse d..."

Thank you for commenting Joe, and I'm going to go check out your friends site as soon as I finish writing out this comment.
- I know for a fact how mental and emotional abuse can destroy people. That's why I wrote this review.
- For all intents and purposes, my reviews are never sent out to manipulate a person into not reading said book. If my opinion matters to a person that much, I'm flattered but I'm one voice out of many.
- Many of my book friends actually ended up loving this book and this story, and like I said in my review - I hold no grudge or change of opinion with them. See, thats the great thing about books, they can be different for every single person.
- I think this book is actually a great learning curve, if people do end up reading it, they know what NOT do to. Unfortunately, and I really wish I could - tell everyone what to do and not to do with a simple review. But I can't and I really don't think I would enjoy that power.
- The advocation of toxicity and the romanticization of unhealthy relationships will always be present in todays culture. There are a lot of campaigns that are out there aimed to provide knowledge to men and women on how that's wrong. I added the quotes to help show people my point, every 'fuck me' came with a consequence and/or prerogative. It's up to people to decide what they think of that. Not me.

message 121: by Joe (new)

Joe Krakovsky Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ wrote: "Joe wrote: "There are a lot of 'likes' and comments here. If folks are against it then they should pass the word and not buy the book. A friend of mind runs "We Are Her", a site dealing with abuse...."
Thanks for clarifying. It is hard to write honest reviews about touchy subjects.

 Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ YASS! So glad you felt the same way. Awesome review love <3 xoxo

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ wrote: "YASS! So glad you felt the same way. Awesome review love <3 xoxo"

Thank you, Sonya! <33 Loved your review x

message 124: by Elle G. Reads (new)

Elle G. Reads Fantastic review, Alex! I was wondering about this book but I think i'll skip it! xoxo

Adelweeis my currenty reading and I'm in Part 2. Idk what to say but I feel your feeling when reading this book. but I'll keep try to finish it

Angela (Reading Frenzy Book Blog) A well balanced review, Alex. I'm sorry it was such a disappointment. xo

Jen (jenslostinthepages) ♥Star-Crossed Book Blog♥ Ohhhhh I definitely don't think that one should get back with a toxic person. I try my hardest to believe that they were in our lives for a reason. To see what we did NOT need. And to learn from that and find someone who loves us and treats us with love and respect. At least that's how it worked out in my life in the past. So fabulous review and I definitely won't be picking up this book.

message 128: by BooksAreLife (new)

BooksAreLife This is an incredible review! It's so important that this out there. Society has long romanticised toxic relationships, and all forms of media, movies, tv shows and books have continued to perpetuate this. It's disgusting and so incredibly toxic for everyone out there dealing with an abusive relationship. Thank you for writing this :)

The Book Bee This was a well thought out, excellently written review and I thank you for this. I did take issues with the way he was, but I loved seeing him turn around and learning his ways were not kosher. I really did love the book, but definitely saw the signs and I was quite uncomfortable in some aspects. But I also know redemption was his if he wanted to own it. Thank you for this review. I love seeing others being able to discuss rationally and respectfully.

message 130: by Dilek VT (new) - added it

Dilek VT Awesome review, Alex. Very-well thought!

I was looking forward to reading this book but now I am not sure I will read it. And if I am not going to read it, I need to kill the curiosity in me, so will you help :))??

Can you tell me about the porn aspect of this book? What about it? Does he force her to make a porn film or something like that? And sexually, what kind of unhealthy things does he do to her? Can you tell me under a spoiler tag, or if you don't mind, in a private message? I just need to know to give up on it entirely...

Thank you!

message 131: by Literatures (new)

Literatures Movies Love the review Alex. I think after reading your review on this book, I'm gonna give this book a pass

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Elle ✦ Pretty Little Books ✦ wrote: "Fantastic review, Alex! I was wondering about this book but I think i'll skip it! xoxo"

So many people loved it, Elle! Thank you <3 I would not take my word as the only one because this has some of the most mixed reviews I've seen!!

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Adelia wrote: "my currenty reading and I'm in Part 2. Idk what to say but I feel your feeling when reading this book. but I'll keep try to finish it"

Just saw your review!! Glad it wasn't that much of a bust for you, love xx

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Angela (Reading Frenzy Book Blog) wrote: "A well balanced review, Alex. I'm sorry it was such a disappointment. xo"

Thank you, Angela!! <3 xx

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Jen ♥Star-Crossed Book Blog♥ wrote: "Ohhhhh I definitely don't think that one should get back with a toxic person. I try my hardest to believe that they were in our lives for a reason. To see what we did NOT need. And to learn from th..."

YES!! Exactly, I think unhealthy relationships are a growing tool. Allbeit, no one should have to go through it because they are so messy and they can damage a person so much. I couldn't agree more, Jen <3 Thank you, love xx

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ BooksAreLife wrote: "This is an incredible review! It's so important that this out there. Society has long romanticised toxic relationships, and all forms of media, movies, tv shows and books have continued to perpetua..."

Thank you for commenting! So many people loved this book, but I guess being the black sheep was mostly due to my past with a toxic relationship - so I felt the real need to get it out there that this should NOT be considered okay even in the name of 'romance'! Thank you!! <3 xx

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ The Book Bee wrote: "This was a well thought out, excellently written review and I thank you for this. I did take issues with the way he was, but I loved seeing him turn around and learning his ways were not kosher. I ..."

Thank you, love! Me too, I think it goes without saying but everyone is entitled to their own opinion - and so many of my book friends loved this book and I'm so glad they got a good read. In the same way, they respected that this just wasnt for me... Thank you for commenting, and I'm now off to check your review :D

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Dilek VT wrote: "Awesome review, Alex. Very-well thought!

I was looking forward to reading this book but now I am not sure I will read it. And if I am not going to read it, I need to kill the curiosity in me, so ..."

<3 <3 <3 We already messaged each other about this, but I love you nevertheless xx

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Wynne wrote: "Love the review Alex. I think after reading your review on this book, I'm gonna give this book a pass"

So many people enjoyed this though, so I wouldn't take my word as the final one! But thank you, love xx

message 140: by Dilek VT (new) - added it

Dilek VT Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ wrote: "Dilek VT wrote: "Awesome review, Alex. Very-well thought!

I was looking forward to reading this book but now I am not sure I will read it. And if I am not going to read it, I need to kill the cur..."

Thank you so much for the heartfelt conversation, Alex. And love you, too...

message 141: by Lost in a Book (new)

Lost in a Book Well this pretty much seals the deal on not reading it. Thanks for taking another one for the team. 😊

talon smith Soooooo many people loved this book. I don’t understand why 😂

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Lost in a Book wrote: "Well this pretty much seals the deal on not reading it. Thanks for taking another one for the team. 😊"

Im flattered my opinions means that much - Thank you! :D

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Talon wrote: "Soooooo many people loved this book. I don’t understand why 😂"

Hmmm, I mean I love that people can see it differently but yes, you and I must have read a different book to them lol <3 xx

message 145: by Yusra (new)

Yusra  ✨ this sounds like a mess, definitely not reading at & thank you for the review!

message 146: by Treece (last edited Feb 24, 2018 08:31PM) (new)

Treece When I saw the one-star rating, I really needed to read your entire review. Wow. I valued and appreciate every insightful piece of honesty you placed there. I get it.

This is not a book I would like. I've been burned by Abel, and let me tell you, there is no revisiting that or HEA with that type. Authors have a responsibility to write reality even in fiction.

And here's why this story doesn't work-

The H doesn't truly change which in fiction makes him a tragic character. In failing to redeem him, and NOT forcing him to evolve into a true hero, the author has failed in her work and thus, the HEA is a reality that no one in any relationship should accept. The h sacrifices everything for a narcissistic man-child who uses sex as a means to control the h who gains nothing from this relationship except things which are temporary.

You and I both know these two are headed for Doomsville, and this is a case where fiction mimics reality to a point and fails the reader.

Ah well, the cover is pretty at least *rolls eyes*. Talk about switch bait and switch.

❤SanaReads❤ FABULOUS!!

message 148: by Lost in a Book (new)

Lost in a Book Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ wrote: "Lost in a Book wrote: "Well this pretty much seals the deal on not reading it. Thanks for taking another one for the team. 😊"

Im flattered my opinions means that much - Thank you! :D"

Well, you did make a pretty darn compelling case.

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Yusra wrote: "this sounds like a mess, definitely not reading at & thank you for the review!"

Thank you for commenting! A lot of people liked it, it just wasnt for me :/

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ ❤Sana❤ wrote: "FABULOUS!!"

Thank you!!

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