Elizabeth Lemieux's Reviews > harry-potty-and-the-deathly-boring

harry-potty-and-the-deathly-boring by petrucha-stefan-parker-rick
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it was ok

I found this book at my university’s library. I knew I would probably hate it but felt the urge to read it anyway so I checked it out. My god, it was awful. I think I laughed out loud like four times but other than that, it was quite ridiculous. I think I would have more respect for the book if the authors had gotten some more key information correct about the characters. I could write a parody of Harry Potter and make it funny while keeping details fairly accurate. For anyone who already doesn’t like Harry Potter, this book is for you but for die-hard fans, this is definitely not it.

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October 10, 2021 – Started Reading
October 10, 2021 – Finished Reading
October 13, 2021 – Shelved

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