Matt's Fantasy Book Reviews's Reviews > Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett
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Starts out fantastic, but bogs down as the book goes along

I'm pretty disappointed here, not because I just read a bad book, but because I didn't like this book nearly as much as pretty much everyone else who has ever read it. This book came to me so highly recommended, and given that I am an enormous Terry Pratchett fan I assumed this would be a 5/5 for me. After about an hour of reading I was in love with the characters, and felt like this was turning out to be one of the most entertaining books I've ever read.

The dynamic between the demon and the angel was wonderful. The idea that they have a friendship and can play off each other so well was something I could have read the entire book about. But unfortunately partway through the book the main storyline swaps to a young anti-christ character and his group of friends, and I couldn't have been more bored by them.

The ending picks up a little bit as they introduce some truly wonderful characters - the four horsemen of the apocalypse. But they didn't feature for very much time and I again wished they had more screentime.

I get why people love this book, but sadly it's just not even close to my favorite Pratchett book.
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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm hopefully getting to this sometime this year. Bit I am nervous. I'm not a Pratchett fan bit I'm a huge fan of Gaiman. I'm hoping my love for Gaiman will be enough to enjoy it.

message 2: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan K (Max Outlier) Agreed...I attempted this one as well, but it failed to engage much as you described.

варежка Honestly same here. I was all in for the angel demon interactions but the “them” really made me drag through. It’s good that it reads quite quickly I had a marker of the page where I saw “Aziraphale” after the “them” scenes would end and it was my only motivation to pull through to read on but otherwise literally around 2/4 of the book was 🙂🪦 also I have a feeling that the whole “archangel” thing could’ve been more like opened up? Like he didn’t do much other than being an ass most of the time bru😭

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