Carla's Reviews > Spider in the Library

Spider in the Library by Kristen Petr
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Spider in the Library is a children's book about a class of children who love going to the school library each week to exchange their books. One week when they go they find a spider in the library. At first they are all afraid an scream. Their teacher explains that the spider is so small that he is more afraid of them than they are of it. They take it out to the garden and let it go on a flower. children scream and are scared of the spider, until their teacher shows them how the small spider is actually more scared of them. They take it into the school garden and release it on a flower. The next week they return to the library and the spider is there again. They return it to the garden, but each week it returns. The children decide that the spider must love the library as much as they do, so they make an environment for him to live in.

It's not surprising that the children were initially afraid of the spider as everyone always seems to squash them when they see them. I loved how the teacher spoke to the class and explained about the spider and that they didn't need to be afraid. My grandkids always leave spiders alone and call them all "Mr. Skinny Legs". There was also great problem solving and sharing ideas as well as working cooperatively. The illustrations are great. The images are large and detailed with a lot of things to look for. The spider was so cute, definitely not scary at all, and fun to look for him on each page. A great book to teach about leaving spiders alone, working together and problem solving in a fun way.

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Reading Progress

March 10, 2022 – Started Reading
March 10, 2022 – Finished Reading
March 20, 2022 – Shelved

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