Tallyho's Reviews > Mouse and the Ball

Mouse and the Ball by C.D. Gorri
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really liked it
bookshelves: odd-shifters, shifters

WAY back when, I started the F.U.C. series because of the acronym. It gave me a giggle and I'm just stupid for silly puns. I love how all the authors that participate in the series absolutely EMBRACE the F.U.C. culture. Every single new acronym had me giggling. I love how the bad guy ones were all gross. LOL.

This story had me beyond frustrated. I wanted Tony to just absolutely sucker punch this snake (literally, he's a ball python shifter) in the nose. MEGA BOOP. Damon is just...so aggravating. There's a reason for it, but man, listening to this man be a complete raging misogynist for most of the book was painful. Julietta was having none of it, though! She let him have it with a double load of Jersey attitude and I loved it. I did wish we had a bit more of "slice of life" with the two of them to resolve the "oh hey sorry I was a double-dick to you for literal months". (HA....the only double dick in the book, sadly) Also! That nurse! WTF!

We do get a nice wrap-up to the trilogy story in this book and then get a lead-off into a new story at the end.

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Reading Progress

March 22, 2022 – Started Reading
March 22, 2022 – Finished Reading
March 23, 2022 – Shelved

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