Snow's Reviews > Romeo

Romeo by Sybil Bartel
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it was ok much as I like pure dominance in a man, that much I dislike a brute or plainly put, a hillbilly-ish caveman masked under the said dominance...hence I disliked Romeo, a Scottish ex-military pilot...

enough said, he just didn't sit right with me...*shrugs*

And another thing, I also didn't quite like the heroine...*sigh* what can I say, the idea was good, the storytelling was the same equation as the previous books I have read from this author and about these type of men, I'm not entering nothing I didn't know before and yet, this MAN, Roark MacElhran DID NOT work for me...

with all due respect towards the subject matter addressed in the story, you don't really deal with the deep grief and pain from loss of somebody you loved in just a matter of a few days...

I mean, not even in fiction that does not sound plausible.

Anyway, I will continue with follow up on these men in the Alpha Elite Security, they are an interesting bunch of hardcore alphas to say at least...
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September 28, 2022 – Started Reading
September 28, 2022 – Shelved
September 28, 2022 – Finished Reading

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