Júlia's Reviews > Shadow Princess

Shadow Princess by Caroline Peckham
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it was ok

Have you ever felt EXHAUSTED while reading a book?

724 pages.

Why God. WHY? Did Tory Vega really need 400 pages of being a whiny pathetic little bitch? Did Seth really need 120 pages to make me wish he was dead? (I've wanted him dead since book 1 anyways) Did we really need 200 pages of the same back-and-forth just to make me feel like I was reading book 1 all over again?

Guess we'll find out, tonight on Discovery Channel.

If I was the sort of person who drinks, I'd be on my fifth shot of sacrificial whiskey while writing this review. Anyway, let's tackle the obvious, what I hated.

- Tory Vega. I hate her. Always have, always will. Her constant pity parties, whining, selfishness, and: I want Darius. I hate Darius. I want Darius. I hate Darius. I will bounce on Caleb's dick as many times as I can even though that ADDS NOTHING to the plot and I have zero connection to him whatsoever. My sister needs TO LOVE ME, APPRECIATE ME. Darcy needs to attend to all my emotional needs while I don't pay attention to a single thing that is going on with her.

Someone should have left this bitch in the human world. The more I read these books, the more I want Darius to really ruin the fuck out of her life, she doesn't deserve the air she breathes and she would never be a good ruler.

- Seth why the fuck is this character even here? Seth, Caleb, and Max are the most useless, shallow and underdeveloped characters I have ever read about and they are just there for filler content. They're there to sound like a bunch of fucking chads and say: BABE, LITTLE VEGA, SWEETHEART in condescending tones, fuck everything that moves, and make me want to puke every time they make a decision that adds nothing to the plot and DOES NOT belong to their personality profile just for shock value.

I truly wish they would die. They are SO inconsequential to this entire thing, they're just there to cause plot-controlling inconveniences for their lazy writing.

- THE BOND The fact that Orion and Darius have that stupid little bond that makes them attracted to each other as straight men. I am not a gay man and I can't say if this is problematic or not, but JESUS CHRIST that annoys me to no end. They use the little "we want to cuddle because of the bond, we want to make out because of the bond" as a fucking joke. As a comedy device. Gay characters/attraction is not a comedy tool. The entire thing made me uncomfortable and annoyed. I also hate how their inner dialogues about it is usually: I hate that the bond makes me feel this way about him, I hate that it makes me want to suck his dick. Shut the fuck up. They didn't want to commit to a relationship between them other than brotherly love but this entire bond thing is useless and weird.

- The dumb southern girl and the token Mexican kid : I don't think I need to explain this one. This series just has too many stereotypes that didn't need to exist. They are already supernatural creatures, get creative with THOSE stereotypes.

- Length and Lack of Editing you'd think that five books deep, they would have hired an editor that would say: hey, maybe this doesn't need these 40 extra chapters. Maybe we should focus more on the girls having real classes and actually learning something for once. Maybe we should go deeper into the world-building and add SOME droplets of it for a change. Maybe we should give these characters more solid personalities and make sure they stick to it?

MAYBE JUST MAYBE, a well-written plot twist is worth 300 cliffhangers.

They started with this ridiculous shit again, just to make sure people pick up the next book. A sloppy, non-sense cliffhanger that came out of NOWHERE, with no actual build-up.

And please, don't even get me started on that Tory and Darius bullshit. You know what? He dodged a fucking bullet if you ask me. I wouldn't want to be tied to fucking Tory Vega for the rest of my life.


Do you know who is the most CONSISTENT CHARACTER? THE VILLAIN OF THIS STORY. DARIUS' DAD KNOWS WHAT'S UP. He knows what he wants and he is going after it, and everything he does makes sense. Because it fits his personality profile. It fits his belief system. Even when he does something unexpected, IT FITS THE FUCKING BILL. Unlike every other character in here.

if you are a writer or trying to be one, here is a tip: you need to know your characters, you need to understand their purposes, wants and needs. fears and wishes. AND THEY NEED TO REMAIN consistent, along with their choices and actions. They will all be guided by those things. And SLOWLY, add things that can shake up their belief system and maybe cause a disruption in how they see the world.

I feel like these characters are being held hostage by these two authors who don't respect the characters they created THEMSELVES. They are pushing and pulling them, making them do things that make no sense so it fits their SLOPPY, LAZY plot and it is infuriating.

I promised I am finishing this series because it's personal now. I want to be able to pinpoint every mistake, every disgrace, I want to criticize it with the knowledge of a FUCKING SCHOLAR OK.

Now to the few good things, the only reason this book got 2 stars from me. Orion and Darcy. That's it. I want to remove every page they are on, and just make ZA their series. Their story. The only times I smiled, laughed or enjoyed myself was when they were present and I KNOW, I just KNOW they are going to fuck up the only good thing in this series in the next books.

Because I am slowly learning their MO. And the MO of this series is BUTCHERING characters for the sake of shock.

Anyways, 2 stars. One for Darcy being the only sister who is worth something and one for Orion finally being on time for his classes for the first time in four books.

My blood boils but we will move on. Everyone is telling me: there is so much character development on book five, the writing has matured so much. If y'all are lying to me, you are getting bitch slapped.

*raging violence, but it's all because the next book is even longer, don't worry I still love you*

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Reading Progress

November 27, 2022 – Started Reading
November 27, 2022 – Shelved
November 27, 2022 –
40.0% "If this book gets a 3 star for me, it will be because Orion is finally on time for his appointments"
November 27, 2022 –
41.0% "Also Tory sucks, she will always be the worst twin. Never liked her, never will, her POVS make me want to unalive myself"
November 27, 2022 –
50.0% "God I wish Seth would die"
November 27, 2022 –
61.0% "God these characters are so messy, nothing they do makes sense 🤣"
November 28, 2022 –
70.0% "Still wish Seth would die."
November 28, 2022 –
71.0% "“I am used to being alone” mimimimimi oh shut the fuck up Tory"
November 28, 2022 –
75.0% "The Orion and Darius little bond that “makes” them feel attracted to each other makes me SO uncomfortable. It’s so forced and weird and honestly disrespectful to homosexual men in general lol it’s like they think it’s funny…"
November 28, 2022 –
100.0% ""
November 28, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-42 of 42 (42 new)

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message 1: by Samantha (new) - added it

Samantha I love this! I honestly only read for Darcy and Orion! And as I was reading I kept thinking why can’t this just be their book?

message 2: by Kseniya (new)

Kseniya V. The panda meme...! 🤣 I dropped it all way before getting anything in compensation for my initial suffering to keep on going. Julia, I admire your resilience.

message 3: by Dom (new)

Dom Arndt Honestly I think just reading these reviews will be enough for me. I never have to read the actual books 😂 your reviews are way better

message 4: by cassandra (new)

cassandra 😂😂😂I love your reviews

message 5: by Ashley (new) - added it

Ashley I wish you would have read these before I wasted my time on them. By the time I got through the 3rd book I just started skimming seeing if there was anything good/important. I was so sick of the main characters constantly going through bad shit with nothing good in sight. I don't even feel the need to read the newest ones to see what happens because they just made me so mad.
I applaud you for pushing through to give us the entertainment that is these reviews!😂😁

message 6: by Marianne (new)

Marianne "I want to criticize it with the knowledge of a FUCKING SCHOLAR OK" Is now my favorite quote ever 😂

message 7: by Patricia (new)

Patricia Martins The highlight of my day was reading this review. I feel this is the only thing I need to do to understand the story.

message 8: by Christy (new)

Christy Charles I'm here for the reviews.

Hannah Dreger This is the best and most accurate review I’ve ever read. I love you

nmutua Did you ever read book 5?! I need to know if it’s worth it because I feel the exact same way!

Melanie BRAVO! Darius deserves better. Tory is INSUFFERABLE!

message 12: by mems (new) - rated it 4 stars


message 13: by KP (new) - rated it 2 stars

KP Huynh This review is everythingggggg. I feel like I fell into this hole that I can’t crawl myself out of. I am SO TIRED! Please just end my misery. It just keeps getting worse and worse.

message 14: by Ari (new) - rated it 1 star


Candice You said the terms

message 16: by Zhakhia (new) - added it

Zhakhia Baker I'm struggling so bad I hate tory so much but I've Given so much of my time to this series already. I feel like I have to continue it. And I literally just wanna see Darcy. And Orion, get their happy ending. That's all that's literally all but the amount of rage. I feel whenever I have to read. Tory's point of view is like becoming overwhelming. I just don't enjoy her character at all. She's really, really freaking annoying. I liked her in book one, but after that it's just gone downhill for me. I really freaking like darcy like I really do I wish she had more chapters

Joaquina Laino girl I feel you. Totally agree with you.

Bailey The absolute best, spot on, fan-fucking-tastic review I have read so far! You LITERALLY wrote every single thing I felt after reading this book!

message 19: by Pri (new) - rated it 5 stars

K Pri Totally agree with this review

message 20: by Meg (new) - rated it 2 stars

Meg Phillips This review is spot on! 🔥🔥🔥

Elizabeth C not daddy acrux winning kudos for consistency 😭

message 22: by Mandy (new) - added it

Mandy Jaques Just copy freaking paste into my review bc 🫠

Sally Wallace I am so tired and I’m not even finished it yet

message 24: by Gabriela (new) - added it

Gabriela Gutiérrez Iam stuck on this book, the 3 books before i read it fast, but this one, i start to hate the way Tory talks, been in his head is intorelable for me now, and i know Diego is not important but the way she sometimes talk about hem is not acceptable to me no matter how. For being someone who never have nothing Tory is superficial. World building? Wtf is that, i don't know practically nothing about this world, is like been in our world but with magic, notting else. Is all around Tory and Darius same shit all the time. Thanks to Darcy for being a beautiful person ...

Maria Fenton love every review you have written!! lol. i will start this book today and come back later 😉

Ruki ❄️ literally agree with everything u said i was stuck on giving thsi book a 1 star or 5 because i loved it but holy shit tory is fucking annoying this book took me like a whole week to read i cant stand her and her bitching and the only good thing is lance and darcy and yes darius deserves better

Katie Popovice I agree with all of this. I am not finishing the series. Pretty sure it’s ruined the fantasy genre for me.

message 28: by Elvi (new) - rated it 2 stars

Elvi Genius review!!!

Janet Jones Exactly. I hate this book. Still gonna read 5. Have no idea why.

Wawablaksheep Now THIS is the review i've been looking for! What do you mean people rate this 5 stars HUH??

message 31: by Jada (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jada Lark i rated this book 5 stars because of how much i hated it and loved it at the same time almost like darius and tory’s relationship and my relationship with tory right now LMAO

Vitoria it took me two months to finish this book of how bad it was lol while the 1-3 i finished it all in two weeks…

Enigmeg “They sound like a bunch of fucking chads” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

message 34: by AJ (new) - added it

AJ About half way through this book and I could not agree more. Tory is exhausting.

Hannah At this point, I feel like I’m reading solely because I refuse to not complete something. Tory makes me impossibly angry

message 36: by Meg (new) - rated it 4 stars

Meg i know this was written in rage but i get it. #ToryGetItTfTogether URGH!

Brittney Lavinder All relevant information here. Agreed. 🤣

Deidra-Kaye Have never agreed with a review more!! Still unsure if I wanna continue the series or just dump it here. I had such high hopes for Tory’s character development and it all just went to hell by the end of the book 😒

message 39: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Kennedy Hilarious and on point lol listening to the constant “I can never trust again, but he smiled at me so I guess I can trust him just a little” is growing tiresome. How many non-consequences to these people get??

message 40: by Liana (new)

Liana JULIA!!! I wanted to read this series and stumbled upon ur first review of the first book and started a spree of reading ur reviews but i’m so devastated i can’t find any more😔

It’s.Brittney I haven’t even started reading this one yet and I believe everything you have said 😂

message 42: by Zoë (new) - rated it 3 stars

Zoë The author is English I think! Reading Geraldine’s parts with an English accent makes it slightly more funny instead of annoying, but I still see where you’re coming from lol. There are a lot of things that make more sense writing-wise if you hear everyone but the twins with a British accent tbh

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