Ariel Tuladhar's Reviews > The Gift

The Gift by Freida McFadden
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did not like it

** spoiler alert ** I have no words.

Actually I have a lot of words


so first annoyance of the book is the fact that the main character repeatedly says so often that she is broke.
2) Who in their right mind goes to a store that a woman who you thought was dead that was just sitting in your diner invite you to
3) Who in their right mind cuts off all their hair for a watch necklace for their husband? And then proceeds to act as if she performed the biggest sacrifice of her life.
4) when the husband gave her brownies I screamed. The way she reacts to the brownies part of me was like yeah I’d be mad too but then the other part of me was like wow way to go extremely overboard Stella.
5) The fact her husband it just casually had the luggage sitting there OK Eye roll
6) I absolutely screamed when she brought in the watch with a little bit of blood from the her husband she killed and said “it’s just spaghetti sauce”
7) oh so now the crazy weird lady‘s daughter is pregnant by her husband
8) wut
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Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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Rachel You said it perfectly

heytwentythree I was just screaming "WHAT?!?!?!?" out loud after every chapter because it really does NOT. MAKE. SENSE.

The part where the diner "died" because they took too long to serve her food... I laughed so hard. Just ridiculous!!!! I expect better of her

Dulshi Peiris I know right. This book was really disappointing

Jill Agreed. Stupid "book" - not even a book. A short story, another tired retelling of The Gift of the Magi.

Katina Tanionos Retweet

message 6: by Kim (new) - rated it 1 star

Kim Stanga I'm glad I wasn't the only person who found this awful.

Joanna Marie The epilogue actually made this story so much worse! It was already very boring and not written very well, but the epilogue sent it from 3 stars to 2 for me.

message 8: by Jen (new) - added it

Jen Wilson Seriously. She keeps talking about how they’re broke but then gets mad that the only thing she gets is brownies. He’s not even working, I think brownies are all you could really expect here 😂😂

Judy Tarver I didn’t like it at all either

Jessica Freaking awful. What about all of the Alanis Morissette lyrics scattered throughout do display irony???? 🙄

Jaqueline She killed him over “brownies” for gift.. wouldn’t you expect that she would do all the other crazy stuff as well? 🤣

Lavdhi I AGREE TO EVERY POINT YOU SAID....soooo accurateeeeee

Monica #3 on point

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