Christine's Reviews > Child of a Dead God

Child of a Dead God by Barb Hendee
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: fantasy, vampires, diverse-and-women-authors, foxes-etc

The good news is that Child of a Dead God is a book that is quite easy to skim. The sad news is that it is a rather boring book, especially since it is suppose to close a series. The book could have easily been half the length. It takes roughly 100 pages for anything to happen. Magiere though physically present, seems absent for a book that is suppose to be about her. She's just there, there is no real life to her. In fact, the only two characters who have any life are Wynn and Chap. Sadly, the authors have made Wynn too annoying (and I liked her when she first appeared)over the last two books. They also make her sound like she is 10 year old person who only reaches up to my knee. We are constantly told that Magiere and Leesil love in each other, which is good, because we aren't really shown it. All the elves seem too much alike.

All these flaws make me sad because I really loved this series when it started. I didn't like Rebel Fey too much, but I still enjoyed the series. And a bad book every now and then happens to all authors. But this, :shrugs:, it just makes me sad. Not because the series ended, but because it went out with such a sad whimper.
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
April 21, 2009 – Shelved
November 3, 2016 – Shelved as: fantasy
November 3, 2016 – Shelved as: vampires
May 23, 2019 – Shelved as: diverse-and-women-authors
November 28, 2019 – Shelved as: foxes-etc

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