Ronda Tutt's Reviews > Halo of the Nephilim

Halo of the Nephilim by Dina Rae
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it was amazing
bookshelves: mystery, paranormal, suspense


Wow, Deception allures and conquers all! Dina Rae’s ploy in her plot twisting is full of visionary scenes that will blow the readers mind beyond one’s mental comprehension leaving them lured and captivated to an addiction wrapped around the mystery, suspense, action, drama, and worldly deceptions.

The story is dramatic and full of ON THE EDGE of your seat action. With more insight into the Angel/Nephilim lore and a realistic account involving most of the biblical characters from our worldly histories according to the book of Enoch, the reader is guaranteed to be memorized as I was and amazed at how close at home the deception defines our everyday lives.

The characters connection was astonishing and sympathetically believable as I found myself feeling for their situations. With this being the second book in the series I have to say my favorite characters are Armaros the Angel of the Cursed of course but the Nephilim Joanna won me over with her experiences and how she changed discovering her new powers.

The story was fast paced and interesting throughout. There was not one dull moment and I loved every tid bit to include Armaros trying to escape from Hell, Mammon’s possession of Tony, the entry portal to hell, Satan’s attitude, Purgatory and the souls, the history behind the angel Azazel being chained down on top of the rock entrance to hell in Roswell New Mexico, the history behind the Yezidis, the capture of the little girl Maria, the vampirism change of Lance wife Jackie and Lances dedication to save his wife, Pastor Dominick and his new life, Kim and Sean with their final outcome, and even loved the open ending making me want it to last forever and anxious to know more.

I am totally JONESING for the 3rd book now.

Excellent Read!
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Reading Progress

February 23, 2013 – Started Reading
February 24, 2013 – Finished Reading
February 25, 2013 – Shelved
February 25, 2013 – Shelved as: mystery
February 25, 2013 – Shelved as: paranormal
February 25, 2013 – Shelved as: suspense

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Dina Rae Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! So glad you liked it!

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