Christina T's Reviews > Heart Thief
Heart Thief
Christina T's review
bookshelves: 2023-book-challenge, 2023-challenge-challenge, 5-in-series, 2-stars, lgbtq, lgbtq-character, m-m-romance, cowboys, ranch-life, texas, bdsm, dom-sub-relationships, horrible-example-of-bdsm-lifestyle, abusive-ex, cheesy-dialog, wtf-is-this-really-talking-about, if-course-i-trust-you-after-a-week, horses, loved-the-ranching, ku, ebook
Apr 10, 2023
bookshelves: 2023-book-challenge, 2023-challenge-challenge, 5-in-series, 2-stars, lgbtq, lgbtq-character, m-m-romance, cowboys, ranch-life, texas, bdsm, dom-sub-relationships, horrible-example-of-bdsm-lifestyle, abusive-ex, cheesy-dialog, wtf-is-this-really-talking-about, if-course-i-trust-you-after-a-week, horses, loved-the-ranching, ku, ebook
I really wanted to like this book but it was seriously a bad example of the BDSM lifestyle. We have Luke, who realized he was a sub when he was approached by Glenn. Glenn is a really wealthy jackhole who pretty much uses the BDSM lifestyle to abuse his Subs. We weren't supposed to like Glenn but we were supposed to like Sawyer. The author was heavy handed with the way she "guided" us readers to those conclusions. Glenn = Bad. Sawyer = Good. I'd rather draw my own conclusions thank you very much. Also, not once did either Doms discuss limits, safe words, or after care (even though Sawyer did provide after care he didn't discuss this with Luke before any scenes started.) As Luke was new to the entire lifestyle all of this should have been number one with Sawyer after realizing Luke was pretty much a newbie even after spending a few months with Glenn. All Sawyer wanted to talk about was some weird pain equals a spiritual experience that could transcend the sub while deep into a scene. It reminded me of some sort of weird stuff a hippie would spout while high on 'shrooms.
Besides all that there was an issue with the romance itself. we spent 1/3 of the book reading about Glenn's abusive tendencies (3 months in Luke's time) and only one week with Sawyer, where they jumped right into Luke being hog tied and hanging from a support beam on the day they met. Somehow, in that week, they fell in love. Of course, when their eyes met that first day birds sang their song of love, butterflies danced, and fireworks burst only for them. Just kidding but almost not. The author did add some poetic flowery words for the Sa-luke couple. Or is that Luyer? I don't know but I probably won't go back and read any more of this series knowing Thompson regularly writes BDSM stories.
Besides all that there was an issue with the romance itself. we spent 1/3 of the book reading about Glenn's abusive tendencies (3 months in Luke's time) and only one week with Sawyer, where they jumped right into Luke being hog tied and hanging from a support beam on the day they met. Somehow, in that week, they fell in love. Of course, when their eyes met that first day birds sang their song of love, butterflies danced, and fireworks burst only for them. Just kidding but almost not. The author did add some poetic flowery words for the Sa-luke couple. Or is that Luyer? I don't know but I probably won't go back and read any more of this series knowing Thompson regularly writes BDSM stories.
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