k2148's Reviews > Backpack Explorer: Rock Hunt: What Will You Find?

Backpack Explorer by Editors of Storey Publishing
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it was amazing
bookshelves: arc

Backpack Explorer: Rock Hunt: What Will You Find? By Editors of Storey Publishing, Illustrator: Oana Befort. 2023. Storey Publishing (ARC eBook).

Are you ready to be a rock hound? The books starts out by informing how young explorers can prep for the outdoors and rock-hounding. From there the text, illustrations and photographs introduce various types of rocks; and for each type there are multiple prompts given: like asking the reader if they can find a pebble of a particular color, or to float a rock on a bark boat. The physical books will also come with a magnifying glass and a sheet of 12 “I see it!” stickers so that kids can record what rocks and minerals they find rock-hounding in the book.

The text is variable sizes and busy at times, which might make it harder for younger readers. And I wonder if there is a way to quickly navigate to sections of the books, like maybe tabs or color coding? But overall, this interactive book should help prompt the reader’s imagination and visual and tactile senses.

*Storey Publishing ARC via NetGalley
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May 6, 2023 – Finished Reading
May 8, 2023 – Shelved
May 8, 2023 – Shelved as: arc

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