Kathleen Hannon's Reviews > Ladies' Day
Ladies' Day
I'm not a golfer, but I have to admit I was utterly charmed by this novel. While this is definitely a summer chick lit read with loads of friends and fun, Lisa Kline gives the story heart and punch as she builds the mystery surrounding a daughter's longtime disappearance. The mother's sheer unwillingness to let go, even though it has already cost her marriage and family, is brought to light again with the appearance of a young golfer she believes to be her granddaughter. The connection between her and her granddaughter is visceral in its hesitancies, violations of privacy, and uncertainty. Equally compelling is the relationship between Beth and her ex-husband, with is fraught with pain due to their inability to approach the problem from the same place. But in the end, the story is rich in showing you never lose from finding a family member. Highly recommend.
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