glavreads's Reviews > Caught Up

Caught Up by Liz Tomforde
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it was amazing


UGH, this was so good. i am so obsessed with kai, miller, and their little family with max 😭

kai is having a very tough time adjusting to life as a single dad while managing a professional baseball career. but his coach, monty, won’t let him waste his potential and retire so he does everything he can to accommodate max. when kai’s most recent nanny doesn’t work out, monty commissions his daughter, a gourmet pastry chef on sabbatical, to fill in for the summer.

i honestly have no words for this story. i have too many words. ugh, i just loved it and them so so much. first, it starts out as a little grumpy sunshine because kai is so overprotective of his son and is VERY skeptical about miller’s abilities but over time, he falls head over heels and spends the rest of the time trying to convince her she has a place with them.

their chemistry and banter was off the charts. their flirting had me giggling and kicking my feet the entire book. AND GOD, the relationships they both had with max. kai had one of my favorite single dad stories ever. i am such a sucker for an mmc who loves to take care of everyone. and miller was so skeptical that she’d be a good nanny but became the absolute best and i just can’t 😭 she has a tendency to run and kai just wanted him and max to be the home she could always have.

liz’s spice is ALWAYS hot and you will be dying for these two to finally give in and when they do!!!!

there are so many amazing new characters in this book but also cameos and joyous future updates from our favorite couples. i’m DYING so isaiah and kennedy’s story. he was so so funny. but please, liz, god, mother nature, WHOEVER is listening, i NEED monty to have a story… preferably with me 🤪

liz just manages to always write such special stories with the most amazing characters and caught up is no exception. you will love it.
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Kacey Daniels {hiatus} Just finishing up The Right Move and I’m very excited for this one!

message 2: by R (new) - rated it 4 stars

R Wait I really wanna know...Is there a 3rd act breakup?

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