Merissa (Archaeolibrarian)'s Reviews > Demonsouled

Demonsouled by Jonathan Moeller
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This book is listed as part of a trilogy but as far as I can see on Amazon, there are now 5 books listed as part of the "Demonsouled" series. The author has been compared to Raymond E Feist, David Gemmel etc - as for me, I can see similarities but I don't know if I would compare them.

The plot and storyline take you right into the action from page 1 and is fairly well paced throughout. However, the main character didn't really do it for me. Although he showed emotion and depth of character, there was something lacking for me. He also managed to annoy me everytime that he thought that he could kill this person in so many ways.

The storyline is interesting, with myth, magic, zuwembies (zombies), snake cult, parent pressure. This is a very good fantasy novel.
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Reading Progress

May 24, 2013 – Started Reading
May 24, 2013 – Shelved
May 28, 2013 – Finished Reading

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