Jeffrey's Reviews > Making Art in the Twenty-First Century: How Writers, Musicians, and Others are Earning a Living—or Trying to—in the Digital Age

Making Art in the Twenty-First Century by William Deresiewicz
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Only part way through this book, maybe hits a little too close to home.
The one thing that sticks with me so far, though, is when Deresiewicz mentions a famous cartoon (Then a miracle occurs) to illustrate a point and add humor - yet fails to identify the cartoonist (Sydney Harris). Just seemed odd in a book that talks about creative artists having their work appropriated and used without compensation and how it's killing them, but then is okay with using an artist's idea (he doesn't reprint the cartoon, just describes it) without credit? Maybe it's just cartoonists that are seen as okay to be taken for granted and taken advantage of, though, because later on song lyrics are credited to the songwriter by name.
Other than that, lots of depressing thoughts to chew on.
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April 22, 2024 – Shelved

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