Silke K's Reviews > Mason: Knights of Stone

Mason by Lisa Carlisle
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's review

it was amazing

Turmoil on there island

Mason and his brothers performed a live concert in from of humans. They played on there side of the island. They were gargoyles. They shared the island with tree witches and wolf shifters.
Kayla, a young tree witch loved crossing over to the gargoyle clan to watch the concert. She went often and knew she would be in deep trouble with her witch clan. She was fixated on watching one in particular, Mason. Each concert, she would get closer to the stage.
Mason noticed the pretty woman who would frequently attend. She would disappear quickly after each show. Where did she go off to?
Wanting to find out, he quickly found he in the forest. She was going the wrong direction as the ferry boat? Come to talk with her, she was a tree witch! He had never actually meet one. This was forbidden, but he was curious. Could this beauty be what he was told in his youth, horrible and evil? Surely not.

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Reading Progress

April 19, 2024 – Started Reading
April 19, 2024 – Shelved
April 27, 2024 – Finished Reading

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