Kirsty 's Reviews > Trouble

Trouble by Non Pratt
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it was amazing
bookshelves: uk-author, review-books, favourites, ukya, featuring-me, favourite-teen-reads

I have been waiting to read trouble for a long time and I am delighted to say it didn't disappoint. Trouble is the story of Hannah and Aaron. Hannah is 15 and pregnant and Aaron is the new boy at school who pretends to be the father of her child. It was the perfect read for me for several reasons.

Firstly the voices of both Aaron and Hannah are spot on. The way they think, the way chat about things with their friends captures all those thoughts and feelings of a 15 year old and it draws you completely in. As a result I was the with them from page one and had to keep reading as I needed to know more about these characters. Hannah is clever and funny and whilst she does necessarily use it in the traditional way at school you really get the feeling that she is the sort of girl you would have wanted to hang out with when you were at school. Aaron is absolutely adorable and I loved his loyalty and finding out more about his past and why he was the way he was. Not only were the two main characters spot on the whole host of secondary characters from the other kids at school to Aaron elderly friend Neville (whom I must admit I have a special soft spot for) were brilliantly well done too.

For me this book is all about friendship and the main characters learning what it is to be a good friend. As the book goes on you get to see shifts in the social groups both Hannah and Aaron associate with and it is brilliant to see them at that last stage of high school going into adulthood as they suss out which of their friends are true friends and deserve the loyalty the other can offer.

One thing I do love about this book is the way in which teenage sex is handled. It isn't judgemental and sees sex as an ordinary part of growing up and teenage life as it should be. It doesn't have a preachy message about it either although it does comment on the way in which society can look down on teenage girls who enjoy doing the deed. I also loved how one of the characters was gay but he wasn't included as a gimmick or put on a pedestal but treated normally. We need more of that in YA fiction please.

Ultimately for me the best part of the book was the relationship between Hannah and Aaron and seeing how it develops over the course of the book. I loved how they bonded but still fell out and argued like proper teenagers. I loved seeing Hannah through Aaron's eyes and I loved seeing how they supported one another through some really though situations.

All in all a fantastic read, heart warming whilst dealing frankly with serious issues in a sensitive and funny way. I for on will be recommending this far and wide for a long time to come.
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Reading Progress

June 29, 2013 – Shelved as: wishlist
June 29, 2013 – Shelved
June 29, 2013 – Shelved as: uk-author
October 25, 2013 – Started Reading
October 25, 2013 – Shelved as: review-books
November 26, 2013 – Shelved as: favourites
March 2, 2014 – Finished Reading
January 27, 2015 – Shelved as: ukya
January 9, 2022 – Shelved as: featuring-me
September 29, 2022 – Shelved as: favourite-teen-reads

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Sarah Ooooh Non's book has a page! *Adds to wish list*

Sarah You're soooooo fast!!

message 3: by Matilda (new) - added it

Matilda I so want to read this! Looks great

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