Sammi A's Reviews > The Academy of the Dead
The Academy of the Dead (Haunted Creatures, Haunted Places)
Rating: 5⭐️
Spice: 🌶.5
One word. Wow. Actually.. better yet, amazing. This book had me sucked in HARD and keeping me up way past when I should've been in bed for work the next morning. Atticus and Maddox are amazing. The tension between the two drove me a little nuts cause I was like "girl if you don't jump on him, I will!" It's like I could feel the chemistry between these two characters as if I was in the room with them. The way the Mrs.Baine wrote these two characters and the overall story is captivating. The banter between these two was well timed and just kept me giggling. I just.. im at a loss for words how to describe this amazing book. I am appreciative of being able to get an advanced copy of this book and I cannot wait to have it on my shelf as a trophy and a reread! I highly recommend this book.
Spice: 🌶.5
One word. Wow. Actually.. better yet, amazing. This book had me sucked in HARD and keeping me up way past when I should've been in bed for work the next morning. Atticus and Maddox are amazing. The tension between the two drove me a little nuts cause I was like "girl if you don't jump on him, I will!" It's like I could feel the chemistry between these two characters as if I was in the room with them. The way the Mrs.Baine wrote these two characters and the overall story is captivating. The banter between these two was well timed and just kept me giggling. I just.. im at a loss for words how to describe this amazing book. I am appreciative of being able to get an advanced copy of this book and I cannot wait to have it on my shelf as a trophy and a reread! I highly recommend this book.
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