Madm007's Reviews > Relentless in Texas

Relentless in Texas by Kari Lynn Dell
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it was amazing
Read 2 times. Last read June 24, 2020 to June 25, 2020.

I absolutely loved Relentless In Texas! This was like being in a play and being a part of every act. Vivid and emotional, no matter the scene or the scenery. The characters were all so very much alive, popping from the pages. The storyline exceptional--full immersion for me. I wasn't really ready to leave those Sanchez boys yet either, though it was a sweet happy sigh ending for Gil and Carma.
Finally, Gil gets his happily ever after in so many ways, I'm bursting to blurt it all out. I can hardly explain in words, how I felt while reading this. For the jist of this journey read the blurb, then multiply it by 10 on everything. Ms. Dell writes from her heart and doesn't let up until she gets it just right. She knows all things cowboy, rodeo, American Native plus more, and it certainly shows up in these pages.
Carma is what I would call a healer, along with many other talents. When her and Gil met, they started something they didn't get to finish. This is where, I believe karma stepped in. Not an insta love at all, lust yes, but each had baggage, and were their own worst proponents.
A riveting journey, it was not all sunshine and roses. Many old familiar characters, plus a few newer ones rounded it out nicely. Beni and Quint made it even better. Their too smart young teen selves always had a comeback, sometimes even sagely, but often they had me LoL'ing! Small towns and extended families, need I say more?
I think this is my favorite book by far with the depth I felt here. A stand alone with it's own HEA in an awesome series.

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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
June 24, 2020 – Started Reading
June 25, 2020 – Finished Reading
September 28, 2024 – Shelved

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