Larissa Cambusano's Reviews > The Striker

The Striker by Ana Huang
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's review

it’s with a heavy heart i announce that i am dnf’ing this 😭

i’m so sorry 😭😭😭😭😭
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Reading Progress

October 26, 2024 – Started Reading
October 26, 2024 – Shelved
November 2, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-31 of 31 (31 new)

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sammy 📚 oh gosh.. what didnt you like about it because i have just ordered it 😭

sisy 🪽 It was good but so long!!! 😭😭😭😭

manas eeeks i feel like im in the same boat. 😭

message 4: by Sinead (new) - added it

Sinead Grant I’m at 20% and thinking I’m not gonna last with it.

message 5: by R.R.R (new) - added it

R.R.R why most people dnf'ing this book UGH 😭😭😭

makenzie :)) oh no now i’m scared

message 7: by Constanza (new) - added it

Constanza wait whatttttt?

Leah Coyle Nooooo I’m like 80% in and I’m really liking it!

Laís Cordeiro shut uppo! its so good

tabby What didn’t you like ???

message 11: by eve (new) - rated it 5 stars

eve i loved this omg

message 12: by hekla (new)

hekla eir pls tell me there’s a vlog

message 13: by Elaina (new) - added it

Elaina Murdick that's depressing considering i just bought it lmao

RoseIsReading WHATTT

message 15: by Naya (new) - added it

Naya Y. no, but same.... T-T still thinking if i should continue...

message 16: by Catarina (new)

Catarina Silva ohhh no! 😢 how sad! i actually liked it...

Arlinda Same

chlo3 oo i actually liked this one, need to hear ur thoughts abt it

booksfive Nooooo omg this was good. Why are ppl hating on it?

message 20: by Lyabs (new) - added it

Lyabs Same !!!

message 21: by Tonya˖° (new)

Tonya˖° Wow, is this book really that bad?! Everyone and their mothers seem to be disliking it. 👀 I am gonna read it

Matea I honestly needed to do the same thing... This was painful...

MaHaha (McMurder) I feel u

message 24: by CandiCane (new) - added it

CandiCane could be valid

message 25: by gavie (new) - added it


message 26: by shanayaa (new) - added it

shanayaa oh nooo! hope ur next read is much better angel 🥹

Sharlene I'm up to chapter 36 AND NOTHING HAS HAPPENED!!! snooze fest! I'm trying so hard but I think I might DNF, at this point I don't even care what happens!

message 28: by Shana (new)

Shana listen, I'm terrified of reading this. I just don't think it'll live up to the hype

message 29: by Erin (new) - rated it 5 stars

Erin Bevins I started to too but it got better even though it was slow starting out

message 30: by Mel (new) - rated it 1 star

Mel I didn't finish either

Katie I almost did. I wish I did. You missed out on absolutely nothing.

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