Katherine Coble's Reviews > The Survivors Club

The Survivors Club by J. Carson Black
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bookshelves: animal-dies


First: the animal doesn't die, but is severely wounded. That costs the story one half star for me.

This is a fine, fast-paced, read-in-one-sitting type of thriller.

It does get very gory at the end, and I had to skim a couple of passages.

One thing I don't get about this book at all:
The author makes a big deal in the opening chapters about the lead's super autobiographical memory. Yet the SAM never really plays a pivotal part in the solving of the case.

It's especially annoying because the author doesn't seem to understand SAM. Most of the time she has the lead do things that are eidetic, not super autobiographical. Yet even the eidetic recalls are nothing earth-shattering or case-solving. At best having her "remember" a news article just saves a paragraph here and there where another cop would look something up on a computer.

If you want a book to read on a short plane trip, this is an ok choice.
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Reading Progress

January 9, 2014 – Started Reading
January 9, 2014 – Shelved
January 11, 2014 – Shelved as: animal-dies
January 11, 2014 – Finished Reading

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