Kathryn Bashaar's Reviews > The Moth

The Moth by Adam Gopnik
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really liked it

Warning: this review contains a couple of minor spoilers
I read this book in a day, lying on the couch recovering from some minor surgery. I liked almost every one of these stories. They all come, of course, from the famous Moth storytelling events, which started in NYC and now take place in many other cities. So all of the stories are true, and well-told. The best part about them is that so many of them are confessions of stupid or mean things that the storyteller did that they are sorry about now. Many others are about receiving unexpected help, like the astronaut who felt so alone when he was outside the space shuttle trying to fix the telescope. Later he learned that, at the very moment when he felt most alone, his family and everyone in his home town was praying for him. I loved that one. Some of the stories are very sad, like the mother whose only picture of her son was his mug shot, and the journalist who lost his best friend reporting in Afghanistan. And who wouldn't love the story of the broke college kid whose identity was stolen, making off with his meager savings, and HE TRACKED DOWN THE PERP HIMSELF and handed her over to the police!
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March 13, 2014 – Finished Reading
March 14, 2014 – Shelved

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