LaFleurBleue's Reviews > The Girl in 6E

The Girl in 6E by A.R. Torre
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did not like it
bookshelves: e-book, romantic-suspense, erotica, crime-thriller-mystery, dnf

I will not be able to finish this book. Every time I open it, I struggle too much to read more than a few pages. Even though I an at a complete turning point in the book, as for the first time in the book (halfway through), the lead female character is face to face, hand to hand with another human being.
But this female character remained to me a poor female imitation of Patrick Bateman, male-hater, deranged, supposedly successful in her trade, but never real.
The postman was even worse. He just seemed like a convenience, not a real person, though this may have changed in the second part of the book.
I absolutely hated the obsessive sex twist that oozed from all pages. It felt like a pretext to hook the readers but never could be any close to titillating, interesting or realistic.
Supposedly it's a thriller, except I do not feel any thrill reading it, just boredom and the feeling that it's overdone, overcooked, oversexed and a huge miss.
For a real awfully good though disgustingly awful thriller, read American Psycho.
For a disturbing first person narration, with the narrator being mentally unbalanced though captivating and awfully convincing of his normality, read Lolita.
But do not waste time with this book.
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Reading Progress

April 7, 2014 – Started Reading
April 7, 2014 – Shelved
April 7, 2014 – Shelved as: e-book
April 7, 2014 – Shelved as: romantic-suspense
April 7, 2014 – Shelved as: erotica
April 7, 2014 –
30.0% "I don't quite see the hype and the genius that many readers found in this book. It really feels to me like a fanfic of American Psycho, with a female lead, a large sprinkle of sex but without the depth and character ambiguity.
Honestly it's almost painfully boring to read.
And I also do not care much for the style.
I stopped reading it right in the middle of what should be a climatic scene. With no qualms..."
June 18, 2014 – Shelved as: crime-thriller-mystery
June 18, 2014 – Shelved as: dnf
June 18, 2014 – Finished Reading

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