Alysia Abbott's Reviews > The Very Busy Spider

The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle
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it was amazing

It was a warm evening so we opened all the windows for dinner and ate shredded carrots, mashed potatoes, and burgers in the low light. A spirited discussion followed about The Very Busy Spider (Eric Carle), which Finn had motioned for me to read (a new favorite of his). Annabel asserts the book has no real point. I say it's all about the spider's industry. While all the other animals want to goof off (napping cat, mud-rolling pig, rock-jumping goat) the spider is the only community member who works steadily to build something -- a web, which in trapping flies betters society for all. Annabel says catching one fly is not all that and we agree to disagree.
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July 14, 2014 – Shelved

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