Sharon's Reviews > Anastasia

Anastasia by Emma           Taylor
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Rating Clarification: 3.5/5

This is a Novella (longer than a short story, shorter than a novel) that took me just under an hour to read. Was it a pleasant hour? Read on!

Anastasia is the daughter of Lord Aiden and his wife Anoria. He has 70,000 acres of orange trees. But when Anoria gives birth to her second daughter, Griselda (who looks nothing like her parents), the crops begin to die and Aiden insists that Anoria leave with Griselda immediately.

Anastasia overhears and leaves with her mother and sister. Anoria marries again, and gains a stepdaughter, Elle. When her new husband dies, Anoria is left to take care of the three girls alone. Just as the girls are beginning to enjoy their new life, Anoria begins to act very strangely, and Griselda gets desperately ill.

It's basically Cinderella, with a lesbian twist - one that is done tastefully. There's no profanity or sex in here, just a sweet fairytale told in a different way. There are dark elements, like mysterious potions, rats that can be bribed to lead you anywhere you want to go, and roads that change suddenly.

It was a little bit rushed at the end and I would have liked a longer story, but there are definitely worse ways to escape for an hour. Pleasantly surprised!

Thanks so much to Less Than Three Press for providing me with an ARC via Netgalley.
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Reading Progress

September 8, 2014 – Started Reading
September 8, 2014 – Shelved
September 8, 2014 – Finished Reading
September 13, 2014 – Shelved as: review-copy

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