Elizabeth's Reviews > Red Queen

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
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's review

did not like it

Been disappointed by a lot of books recently, but this one takes the cake. The plot was okay, but the character development and romance reminded me of Jupiter Rising, which is probably the worst insult I can think of at the moment.

Also, the quote: "Anyone can betray anyone." IS HARDLY SOMETHING YOU THROW AT YOUR AUDIENCE 5-6 TIMES. There were many occasions the author tried to pull in some grandiose phrase ("Words can lie" is another one) where you can just tell she thinks it's brilliant and genius and mindbreaking...


(For people who think it's similar to Red Rising - NO. That book at least had a stellar plot and a plethora of kick-ass action scenes. The 3-page romance Darrow had with his dead wife is a thousand times more believable and moving than the ridiculous "He'll always choose you"-WTF-ness of Cal and Mare.)
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March 22, 2015 – Shelved
March 22, 2015 – Finished Reading

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