Mikkel's Reviews > Red Army: A Novel Of Tomorrow's War

Red Army by Ralph Peters
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A worthwhile read!

An excellent in-depth account of the war that never happened from the point-of-view of the Red Army. Ralph Peters takes the reader through a range of personal accounts of the war presenting both military-technical as well as cultural-personal aspects of a Warsaw Pact invasion on the European central front. Peters eloquently portraits the moral, mental, and physical aspects from the point-of-view of the front commander down to the individual motor-rifleman tagging along in his BMP. At the same time Ralph Peters drives home an excellent point about NATO cohesion and doctrinal challenges - which are as relevant today as back then.

At the macro level the book demonstrates easily digestible insights into Soviet military-science and the execution of deep battle as envisioned by Tukhachevsky. For a deeper insight into the execution of maneuver warfare the reader is suggested to consult: Leonhard, Robert R. The Art of Maneuver: Maneuver-Warfare Theory and Airland Battle. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1994. In addition, a brief google search will reveal a range of excellent cold-war documents on both Soviet deep battle and the situation on the European central front in the 1980's.

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Reading Progress

May 7, 2015 – Started Reading
May 7, 2015 – Shelved
May 23, 2015 – Finished Reading

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