Jessica (Odd and Bookish)'s Reviews > The Isle of the Lost
The Isle of the Lost (Descendants, #1)
When I first heard about this book, I knew I just had to read it. I was already planning on watching the Descendants movie on Disney Channel, so I knew I had to read the prequel.
I liked this book a lot. I loved all the Disney references, particularly how Gaston's twin boys were named Gaston Jr. and Gaston the Third. This was basically a well written Disney fan fiction. I was afraid it would be too juvenile, but it wasn't. If you like the show, Once Upon A Time, you'll definitely like this book. Overall, this is a great book for anyone who loves Disney.
I liked this book a lot. I loved all the Disney references, particularly how Gaston's twin boys were named Gaston Jr. and Gaston the Third. This was basically a well written Disney fan fiction. I was afraid it would be too juvenile, but it wasn't. If you like the show, Once Upon A Time, you'll definitely like this book. Overall, this is a great book for anyone who loves Disney.
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Jun 08, 2015 03:08PM
Yea me too! No one is too old for Disney channel!