Maria's Reviews > More Than Enough

More Than Enough by Jay McLean
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did not like it

Ok so I dont normally leave reviews but I felt that I kinda had to with this one simply because I was looking forward to this so much and I was so excited when i saw it was out but ultimately I ended up being disappointed...

Since from what I understand we are supposed to if possible keep quiet about the heroin's identity
imma warn you all that there are spoilers ahead about that if you dont want to know.

Its not Heidi and tbh thats probably the reason I hated this so much. If you dont have a problem with Dylan not ending up with Heidi then you will probably like the book, sure its a bit tiring at this point that every character has an even more tragic back story (its not a competition, surely there are other ways to work angst into books and make them interesting...) and the actual heroin Riley has her own issues that for me were a bit glossed over (view spoiler) but overall its a nice book with some hot and funny moments.

But the Heidi thing really bothered me. First of all it annoyed me because I was almost certain it was gonna be her and well expectation is the root of all heartache :P From the previous books especially Amanda and Logan's it seemed like such an interesting story, what happened between Heidi and Dylan and if you read the christmas cards the author put up on her site for the characters the one Heidi sent to Logan said "I'm glad she was enough to bring you home(meaning Amanda) maybe one day I'll be more than enough"

So that with the title of the book made me really think it was her. Also the way they were on the previous books when he came back (sorry I dont remember which book particularly its been so long)the fact that they had sex on Cam and Lucy's wedding and their short encounter when he asks if she needs help with her stuff and she hides away in her car or how he is upset when she leaves really made me think this was gonna be their book and a lot of other people too i think. However what made it truly bad for me was the way the author described Dylan and Heidi's relationship. Heidi was described as someone really shitty to be with and apparently Dylan was miserable with her or whatever but that really didnt seem to be the case with the first book where they were together apart from where he got jealous and she didnt understand but I only found that as something that could be solved..

What pissed me off even more was the way the abortion/baby thing was handled. I really was looking forward to reading the scene where Heidi told Dylan and I was disappointed we didnt get that as well as Heidi's feelings at the time and everything. Also Dylan at the very end tbh really didnt care or anything about it all and for me it made me dislike him a bit mostly because he didnt really care about Heidi and well since I obvs wanted them together that didnt make me happy. I also couldnt oversee the inconsistency between the books. Like in the last books Heidi was feeling awful about the abortion and she was drowning her pain in alcohol and here thats just not there and she gets a boyfriend and thats it? I'm sorry but at this point I'm kind of hating the way the author has treated her because she seemed to be such an interesting character with so much potential.

All in all I was really disappointed with this book. I feel like Heidi and Dylan's realionship had so much potential that wasnt exploited and no matter how much I tried I couldnt like where this book was going. It sucks because I have waited all this time just to be disappointed but well we cant have everything I guess..
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Reading Progress

July 5, 2015 – Shelved
July 5, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
November 12, 2015 – Started Reading
November 12, 2015 – Finished Reading

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Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers And by that I mean I was looking forward to reading it, not your review. Now I don't know if I want to read it.

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