Joanne's Reviews > Leaving Rock Harbor

Leaving Rock Harbor by Rebecca Chace
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bookshelves: summer-2015

A historical fictional that was also a history lesson. While there is a love triangle amongst Frankie, Winslow and Joe there is also the story of social classes and ethnicity in the era of 1916 – 1930s in the small mill town of Rock Harbor, Massachusetts. Frankie, Winslow and Joe meet in high school and come of age together. Into their early 30’s they are sometimes still acting like carefree young adults. Frankie never really grows up – she marries young and well, but is basically still innocent and naïve. There is also the history of textile mills, working conditions and union formation that cause the decline of manufacturing and this town when business moves down South where labor and operating costs are cheaper.

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Reading Progress

July 6, 2015 – Started Reading
July 6, 2015 – Shelved
July 7, 2015 – Finished Reading

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