Nerdy Dirty & Flirty's Reviews > Finding Ever After

Finding Ever After by Stephanie Hoffman McManus
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it was amazing


Going back home never felt so right…

“I was in trouble. That much I knew. With just a look and a few breathy words he was able to turn my thoughts into mush and wipe out any self control I thought I had. I didn’t know whether I wanted to kiss him or punch him…”

Jaxyn was home again. She had abruptly packed a bag and left without telling anyone she was going. That included friends that meant everything in the world to her. There were reasons why she left and they are slowly revealed as she reconnects with the people she considers family. It was going to take honesty and time but she was determined to rebuild those friendships. When she met Kyden McCabe, the poster child for a bad boy musician, she simply could not resist his charm even though romance was the last thing on her mind. Jaxyn was going to have to face haunting memories and dangers that were not all in the past before she could truly move forward.

I loved this story of a young woman who had a young childhood filled with love, family and friendship and lost it all in a heartbeat. She wasn’t equipped to deal with the horror her life would become so eventually leaving was her only choice. She had friends that were family and you knew those bonds were tight when she came back and they were as keen to reconnect as she was. The reasons she left were not pretty and as the truth came out the dangers it brought were real and heartbreaking. The author seemed to effortlessly convey the highs and lows of that journey as Jaxx and Kyden grew closer and the circle of friendship rallied around them all. So many characters to love and a world I don’t want to leave. A new author on my TBR list - I can’t wait for the next in this series!
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Started Reading
August 3, 2015 – Finished Reading
August 9, 2015 – Shelved

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