Dena's Reviews > Last Kiss

Last Kiss by Laurelin Paige
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it was amazing

Oh Laurelin, what have you done to me? You've completely wrecked me, my heart is crushed, I'm left devastated and a terrible mess! How we are left hanging in First Touch was absolutely horrible, talk about the worst cliffy on earth. I was left screaming "NOOOO" when I reached the end. I was so unbelievably worried of the outcome in Last Kiss, I didn't know what to expect but I just knew I.DID.NOT.LIKE.AMBER! I am here to say she really does try to redeem herself in Last Kiss, but too little too late Bitch! I don't think I've ever hated a book character more than I hate Amber!

"I turned to the man who held her. Who moments ago was my man—now I wasn’t so sure. His expression was hard and unreadable. But when his gaze caught mine, the room tilted. His eyes held a dark brew of emotion, so murky and filled that I couldn’t determine what he was feeling, only that he was feeling."

Get ready for the roller coaster of the century because this book will drive you to drink, pull your hair out, scream at the top of your lungs and smash your kindle into the mother fuckin' wall! I may or may not have sent some threatening messages to Laurelin, I didn't threaten her but I threatened her damn characters with some knife and gun emojis, lmao! Ms. Paige successfully made me hate EVERY SINGLE character at one time or another throughout Last Kiss. Get ready to find yourself screaming with every turn of the page. Warning: Read this when nobody is around or they may just try to commit you to a mental facility! With that being said, I absolutely LOVED how brilliantly written this story was, there are some real surprises you never expected that just made this even more addicting and obsessive. Ms. Paige did an exceptional job creating characters we've connected with, fallen in love with and hated with a passion; she brought us a mind fuck of a story that will stay in our minds and hearts for years! Last Kiss is every bit a 5 star twisted story you won't see coming. Enjoy the ride and get ready to get rocked! Mind Blown! I may love but also hate for the journey Ms. Paige has taken us on. My heart is still hurting and crushed from this wicked but brilliant ride. Bravo Ms. Paige, Bravo for wrecking me to the very core!
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Reading Progress

December 7, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
December 7, 2015 – Shelved
April 19, 2016 – Started Reading
April 19, 2016 –
18.0% "So damn addicting!!!"
April 20, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Diane (new) - added it

Diane Silvia Fantastic review

message 2: by KetiKet (new) - added it

KetiKet Love it

Judith Love your review Dena. I can't wait to get my hands on my own copy!

Michelle Brilliant! And I literally LOL'd

message 5: by MeShell (new) - added it

MeShell Shocked Love your wording the reviews I've read tonight have caused to me buy both books 2night

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