Sylvia 's Reviews > NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and How to Think Smarter About People Who Think Differently

NeuroTribes by Steve Silberman
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As a parent of a child who is on the spectrum and has many challenges, I try to devour any book or information that comes my way about ASD. Anything new or old that will help me in assisting my child to develop and grow. So, when I stumbled upon NeuroTribes, I was very excited to say the least.

I appreciate the fact that this author took the utmost time and care to thoroughly research and put forth a book that is quite informative. It broke my heart and I was sick to my stomach upon reading about the atrocities that occurred during the Holocaust to those with special needs/disabilities, regardless of their ethnicity. I couldn't believe that even German families would offer up their children to the Nazi's without question, all because they were different and not capable of being part of Hitler's vision...ugh, I'm sickened by it. Also, the fact, that the prominent scientist of that time and in that region silently allowed it to happen and were willing participants in the experimentation and extermination i.e. basically signing off on the death warrants by transferring them to another facility, of hundreds of thousands, many of those just children on the spectrum, knowing full well what was to become of their fate. This author dared to mention it and I'm glad he did.

All in all, it was good read. However, I did find it too wordy and extremely long, not as smooth and fluid in collating a narrative that was readable and relatable. I guess it's difficult when you are dealing with history and facts to try to find some emotion. But as a parent of a child with Autism, that is what I look for i.e. being able to find that connection. I did with some stories but only up until a point.

The one thing I have to say on books about Autism is they rarely touch on those like my son. Those on the moderate to severe range who have many learning difficulties and intellectual disabilities, or have severe speech delay. My son would have been killed during WWII and that's the truth. Instead, the belief that all are Rain Man and are going to change the world through new scientific research and technical innovation, is something we are all forever and desperately trying to shed light on. It is called a spectrum for a reason and to please be aware and mindful of that.

Thank you to the author for writing this book as well as shedding light on Autism. If anything, it will bring forth understanding and change.
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