LaFleurBleue's Reviews > Taking Fire

Taking Fire by Cindy Gerard
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bookshelves: e-book, romantic-suspense, romance-military

I really enjoyed the rather lengthy premises/part that described how Bobby and Talia first met, had a torrid affair with some false pretense and a very big bad betrayal from Talia towards Bobby.
Then fast forward, they met again 6 years later and have to team together to save her son taken hostage. I really liked the way their circumstancial meeting up again under duress forced them to spend time together, with some events showing one another what the other was able of and at the same time offering down times during which they had to wait and thus had to communicate a little with one another. I really liked that Bobby didn't magically manage to forget Talia's betrayal after just a few hours/days but still reeled with a deep-seated anger that he didn't know how to control, nor exactly why it remained so strong. What I liked less was Talia's behaviour when they first had to team, she said she regretted her past behaviour but didn't show it in her acts or words towards Bobby. And more than a few times, her behaviour bordered the TSTL. Even in her predicament, given her background, I really doubted it would be possible and that didn't succeed in making her more humane to my eyes, but rather less realistic. A few times, I wanted to slap some sense into her...
I was also not fully convinced about the depth of her rekindled love for Bobby. It appeared almost magically as if the years didn't matter and he hadn't changed one iota in that time. Last thing, even though I liked the last part when Bobby finally learnt that he had to give away his pain and anger to really forgive and be able to go on living fully, I felt too much depended on the child as the cornerstone of the future family. Had he not been there, I doubt those 2 would have ended up together. So I was not fully convinced their relationship was really for life and wouldn't end later on, maybe when the kid(s) left the nest.

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Reading Progress

April 11, 2016 – Shelved as: wishlist
April 11, 2016 – Shelved
May 11, 2016 – Started Reading
May 17, 2016 – Shelved as: e-book
May 17, 2016 – Shelved as: romantic-suspense
May 17, 2016 – Shelved as: romance-military
May 17, 2016 – Finished Reading

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