Shawn's Reviews > The Hollow Kingdom

The Hollow Kingdom by Clare B. Dunkle
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did not like it
bookshelves: had-potential-but-failed

** spoiler alert ** There are books that I don't like, but very few of them do I hate. Not only did I hate this book, I hated it with such a fiery passion, I'm surprised the pages didn't erupt into flames.

It started off with so much potential, which is what got me hooked at first. I loved Kate, because she started off as a strong, well-rounded character. She could be lady like, and she had fear, but at the same time she didn't let her fear paralyze her. I loved how at first she stubbornly refused to marry the awful goblin king even to the point of bashing her head against a tree to knock herself unconcious. I even respected her for agreeing to marry him if he released her sister when she thought he kidnapped her, because I assumed she would find a way to get out of her "promise" (an issue I'll complain about later).

Obviously, that wasn't the case.

I read a couple reviews to understand why people could like the monstrosity of a story, and many people said this was a "beauty and the beast" type of tale. Ok, fine. But I felt that Marak could have been drop-dead handsome, and I still would have hated his guts. People misinterpreted his attempts to keep Kate safe and his willingness to help her save Em as love for Kate. No, it wasn't out of love, it was because he was willing to do anything to get her to marry him so she could have his baby. Ok, so maybe he fell "in love" with her, but the whole reason he needed her was to produce a male heir. Please excuse me while I roll my feminist eyes.

Now, I'm all for the idea of hating someone at first, then falling in love with them. I've seen and read "Pride and Prejudice" more times than I can remember. But I truly believe the only reason Kate grew to accept her new life and "love" her husband and baby is all a result of Stockholm Syndrome. Since the author made it impossible for Kate to find an out in her new life, whether it be by means of esacpe or any kind of death, obviously Kate wasn't going to spend the rest of her life resenting her husband--even though she fucking should have! The whole basis of their "relationship" was for her to be a captured bride/baby mamma against her will.

Which is why the fact that they all that talk about how she "chose" this life, because she agreed to marry him if he helped her sister was complete and utter bullshit. She was playing the roll of a dutiful older sister. Of course she would agree to do anything to help save Em! Besides, if Em hadn't been kidnapped, Marak would have captured Kate anyway! In fact, he came damn well close to doing so, and would have succeeded if she hadn't fought him loudly enough for her gaurdian to hear the struggle!

I can't lie, I skimmed over all that crap at the end with the sorcerer, because I was so mad at that point that it was actually PAINFULL for me to continue reading this book. I can't believe that people call this a romance. It's not a romance, it's a horror story! A horror story that glorifies kidnapping, and abuse!
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Reading Progress

May 9, 2011 – Started Reading
May 9, 2011 – Shelved
May 12, 2011 – Shelved as: had-potential-but-failed
May 12, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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Yohara You have captured my opinion beautifully.

What bothered me most was the fact that at no point did the author bother to, at least, give a hint that Kate was willingly sleeping with Marak. I assume she was very unwilling during their encounters, yet this is romance. Ugh.

Ashley (Bound to Love YA) Well said, I felt like I was the only one who felt sick after reading this book. How this is considered a romance is beyond me!

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