Anthony Ryan's Reviews > The Mirror’s Truth

The Mirror’s Truth by Michael R. Fletcher
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's review

it was amazing

Michael R. Fletcher’s The Mirror’s Truth is a dark delight. Our trio of appalling but still somehow compelling protagonists - possibly sane aged warrior Bedeckt, kleptomaniac murder addict Stehlen and manically self-interested ‘greatest swordsman in the world’ Wichtig – return from the Afterdeath to find a world brought to the brink of all-out war by the mad boy-god Morgan. The pitch black humour, magically enhanced insanity and brutality that distinguished Beyond Redemption as a remarkable fantasy debut are present in full force, and often cranked up to eleven. Highly recommended, and not just because my evil reflection told me so.
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Reading Progress

July 31, 2016 – Shelved
July 31, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
November 4, 2016 – Started Reading
November 20, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Natasa (new) - added it

Natasa Thank you for the recommendation, Mr. Ryan!

message 2: by Heike (new) - added it

Heike Sounds good , thanks for your recommendation!

message 3: by Dragonmirri (new) - added it

Dragonmirri I loved the first one, so I can't wait to get the second book! <3

message 4: by Robin (new) - added it

Robin Sounds… intriguingly bizarre. :D

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