A.M.'s Reviews > White Out

White Out by A.A. Dark
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it was amazing

I love you, I swear it
But alas, I must go....

As I sit at my desk shocked, angry and sad, I began to start my mourning process!! Why you ask me, well because I've finished this book, I have to leave this amazing place Withlock where there's no morality, no laws, and definitely no trust (amazing because A.A.Dark imagination is beyond comparison to others, she has her way to captivate her readers)!! She has captivated me greatly I went obsessed, so much I've brought my Ipad at my job, hide it from the boss and everytime I had a chance I went back to Withlock. I was so absorbed that I got angry when people disrupted me. To summarized this book I will use a phrase from someone else----This book is PURE PERFECTION

This is installment 2, we start where 24690 ended with Everleigh skinning West face after being raped by him!! In this story we get to see the characters evolve and some come back from the grave. There's not a lot of erotic scenes, so if you're looking hot steamy sex this is not it!! However, if you're looking for major psychological torture this is it!! With the White room/Red room where prisons are left with object and have to kill each other to this even worst room the Static room (this one is a room of what nightmares are made of)!! Everleigh is my favorite character, she has to endure the worst mental breakdown but will come of it a changed and stronger than ever person!!

With the way the story ended, one thing for sure Miss A.A.Dark will be writting a 3rd book and I cannot wait to see Everleigh again.

Recommend it 10+++stars
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Reading Progress

September 27, 2016 – Shelved
September 27, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
March 25, 2021 – Started Reading
March 31, 2021 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by A.A. (new)

A.A. Dark I LOVE THIS REVIEW!! Thank you, Amy! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! <3

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