Maggie Stiefvater's Reviews > Between Shades of Gray

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
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it was amazing
bookshelves: young-adult, recommended

This is not a pretty book.

Even though I found this novel exceptionally well-written, it was not a pleasure to read. It’s about Lithuanians displaced to Siberian work camps during World War II. It was pretty unflinchingly brutal, but here’s why I think you ought to read it:

1. It is a side of World War II that you might not have seen before. I certainly hadn’t heard these stories of displaced Europeans, and I have to say, having been to Lithuania on tour last year, it made so much of what they said have deeper meaning. I found their fierce national pride lovely and charming when I was there; after this novel, it seems incredibly brave and honorable.

2. Mom. The mother is really the heroine of this story (and that is my one nitpick about this novel: the narrator has no arc and no agency — all of the action is carried by her mother and her sort-of-boyfriend). She has such an incredible flame and kindness in her. One of my favorite book moms.

3. Shades of gray. The title promises and the novel delivers. Characters we think are horrid actually do incredibly kind things, and character we regard as friends do awful ones.

4. If you combine 2 and 3, you get my favorite part, which is that it makes you look at people an entirely new way. I love books that stretch my brain, and this one sat with me for hours and hours.

5. Wonderful sense of place, even when the place isn’t so wonderful. Like Lucy Christopher, I trust the author to take me someplace different, and I’ll be picking up whatever she writes next.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
June 1, 2011 – Finished Reading
July 4, 2011 – Shelved
July 4, 2011 – Shelved as: young-adult
November 7, 2013 – Shelved as: recommended

Comments Showing 1-50 of 88 (88 new)

Lora If I hadn't already read this, I would want to after reading your review. :)

message 2: by Lindsay (new) - added it

Lindsay I have had this on my Nook for quite a while - after reading your review, it is being bumped up to the top of my TBR pile!

Congrats on your new book coming out this month - I pre-ordered and am anxiously awaiting!

Posie I liked this, but you're right. It was so hard to read!

message 4: by S.R. (new)

S.R. Weems Number 4 excites me and makes me want to read it even more!!

Myra I read an ARC for Penguin NZ a few months ago and was utterly moved by this book - everyone should read it...for all the reasons you say Maggie (especially #1 since I had no idea this even happened), and I too loved the Mother character...she stuck with me for a very long time afterwards.

message 6: by Dexter (new)

Dexter I can't wait to read it. I love books that make you think, and it sounds like this is the book I'm looking for.

message 7: by Donna (new)

Donna Semel I appreciate your frank comments, and also that you list it as a YA book. It's not always easy to tell.

Gabrielle There are some things in life worth learning about, even if they aren't a whole lot of "fun". Consider it your perspective-adjuster -- next time you want to complain about some silly little problem. Happy reading (and life-learning), everybody!

message 9: by Erin (new)

Erin Woo I completely agree with you about your first point. I'm coming to this book right after Code Name Verity and Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein, both WWII books about Nazis and the Western front, and after so much of that it was really interesting to see how some of the characters in Between Shades of Gray saw Hitler as a potential savior from Stalin. And as for number 3 – I don't want to give anything away, but I was just so happy with the characterization of a particular NKVD guard. I did, though, really like Lina as a character. She wasn't as heroic as the Mom or Andrius, maybe, but in my mind she did grow a lot at the camp. One minor quibble for me might be the way some of the more secondary characters (the man who winds his watch, the grumpy woman) seemed so one-dimensional.

message 10: by Tia (new)

Tia Gordon The beginning of your review would make me think you're suggesting that it isn't a good book. The book is written well and is sad to read but definitely one that I would recommend. The mom is definitely the hero of the story!That is a good point that I didn't recognize until now and definitely approve of it. I like how you connected real-life experience to the book in number one. It's believable that the people would have much national pride.

message 11: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Rasnic It is a sad book

message 12: by Laura (new)

Laura ... utterly depressing story save the mother who did her best... too sad for my taste

Khyati Gala I totally agree with all your points. I too felt this book was not a pleasure to read but it gives such a strong message of love and hope.

Betsy I didn't think it was incredibly well written either.... very simplistic in its style in my opinion, but that may be because it was a Youth book.

Breanna hhs

Camilla "Between shades of grey" is one of the best books I've ever read and you've said everything you could say about this wonderful book. I completely agree with you.
I think it's important to read this book above all because few people know this side of World War II. Before reading this book I've never heard about it, too.
Moreover I think one of the most beautiful things of the book is the courage of the 15-year-old girl who never loses hope, even when everyone would.

message 17: by Mel (new) - added it

Mel Simmons Now I'm scared to read this for class...

Kitty I'm happy with this book (or should I say sad cause I cried?) 😉
Lovely written and great view of the perspectives of different people.
It only took me 2 days to read it and I just finished it.

Minha I also had a similar feeling. I was intrigued by the book and the emotions all the characters felt, such as sadness, grief, and terror. Actually it was painful for me to pick up the book to read all the tragic Lithuanian experience in WWII. I also agree that Elena's act made the story more fruitful. As Lina is deported from her Lithuanian home, Elena always cares for her family and other deportees. She is intelligent enough to handle NKVD, and is kind and caring towards the other passengers. Additionally, she saves the lives of her children and of other deportees by bargaining with the guards using valuables she has hidden in the lining of her coat. Despite of her kindness, Elena perishes due to her own generosity. She givesher bread rations to Lina and Jonas, which led to physical weakness, illness, and her untimely death. Her family, the other deportees, and even Kretszky, mourn her deeply. It is ultimately the loss of Elena that leads Kretszky to understand the gravity of the genocide and defect from the camp to alert others of the horrors occurring. Elena was such a great mom.

Hyunjirho While reading this book I also felt the power of mother. I could feel both kindness and power in her action. With her kindness and braveness her children could survive. I felt this book reminded me of my mother how she sacrifice for me. nice review !!

지완 It made me gloomy also. Actually I am a Korean reader and so many Koreans (who lived in East Russia) were forced to move to Siberia by Soviet Union, too. By reading this book, I could learn that Lithuanians have same history with us. The overall plot also made me sad. The love while terrible war...

KimYuJin I agree. This book is not 'funny' or 'interesting' to read. But the author's writing ability is so great that she leads me and made me feel like living with Lithuanians in the train. Reading this book I felt gloomy. After reading, I lamented the victims of that forced migration. Too sad to read..

message 23: by Park (new) - rated it 5 stars

Park ji won I agree with your opinion. Through this book, I found enlightenment. Actually, I didn't know deep story about the world war 2. Through this book, I recognized sorrowful feeling of Lithuanian and European who is the weak at that time. We learn the history but we can't learn the history in perspective of week nation. I feel that we also has to spread deep meaning our history 'Comfort Women' through a literature like Between shades of gray.

message 24: by Park (new) - rated it 4 stars

Park Eun Ji I agree. This novel is worth reading since it deals with unfamiliar history of soviets brutality. After reading this, I got the curiosity toward world war 2, and set the plan to read books related to this. Especially, I'm entirely agree that the protagonist of this novel is mother. The author set the main character as Lina, but watching her behaviors, unstable mentality, she is not suitable person to be regarded as main character, except she has astonishing talent about art.

message 25: by Choi (new) - rated it 5 stars

Choi Sun I really agree with your first sentence that it's not a pretty book. I felt so much sorrowful and desperate feelings that there were literally countless victims in the WW2. I'm a Korean student and always feel sad about Korean 'Comfort women' and also wished there wouldn't be any more victims from wars, but there were. I couldn't stop reading book once I started just like you. And also felt the power of literature that the books like Between shades of gray could make.

Seunghee Cho While reading this book I felt how the power of mom is great. I couldn't laugh loudly there are no fun things and the story was really sad. I was really gloomy while reading this book. Korea also has many pains because of World War 2. I always feel sad about it. I didn't know that Lithuanian has pains because of WW2 and also I didn't know that many Korean boys were moved to Siberia my Soviet Union too.This book gave me many things.

Minji Seo Firstly, I think your review would be really helpful to many people who didn’t read this book yet. I have also same opinion with you about this ‘unpretty’ book. As you said, I also didn’t know about this book’s story even though I’m a student now. I think it shows how this story was covered by many things and our indifference to their lives. And I was also agreed with your second suggestion, ‘Mother’. During I read this book, I respected Lina’s mother really. How could she do like that? If I were her, could I treat my and my families’ lives like her? I think I couldn’t. By these things, I think this book gives deep moral to us who live current society in reality.

message 28: by Heeyoon (new)

Heeyoon Although I have already read this book, I feel so happy to have read such a great book after reading your review. All the others who haven't read this book yet ought to read it. I totally agree with you in the 'mom' parts. I'm a student who's getting lots of help from my mother and therefore had many things to think about that with this book and also your review. Although it's not a very pretty book just like you said, I guess this book is worth reading because of all the charming, thoughtful characters.

message 29: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim Yeongseo I think your review is so helpful to clean about this story. The most part in your review that I want to note is about "mother". As you said, mother is really the heroine of this story, right. While I was reading this book, I thought about the being of "mother" who is in all around the world. All mothers are sacrifice to their kids in every situation. I think that is mother's mind. Indeed, while I was reading this book, my mother came to my mind a lot. So, I absolutely agree with your mention about mom. Apart from this point, I agree with you review overally. Thank you for thanks to your review I can clean my thought and story. It was a nice book!

은실 안 I agree with you especially N.2 and N.5. I also think she is heroic and thanks to her the book exists. If I were her, I couldn't help others as much as her. For example, she made Lina to deliver potato and beat to bald head man though it was Dangerous to go out the house. She wants to share everything she got. So, I was really surprised with the Elena's action.
And number 5! The place isn't wonderful. It was terrible place but the author fill our minds up with the love. Ultimately, I think the author wants to tell there are some angelic people inspite of terrible place. And there is one humane aspect (though Elena was an angel. haha). It is when she heard the dead of her husband she became sick and she died. I could feel the love between couple. And I also think it taught Lina and Jonas the power of love.
After all, thanks to your review I could organize and memorize the book briefly, Thanks to you!!!

Hoseong Son I like your review. People have the evil in their mind, many books always show us that things with extreme situation that is combine with people's life. But like you say, on your opinion number 2 and 3, this book show us the good in our mind. Although people are in extreme situation and they don't have to do kind things to others, I can feel characters' kindness to people, even real first-meet people and people who say bad things. Seed of good, I want to say this situation like this. People have that seed, and it begin to grow quickly when they are in terrible situation. They can make the hope with their evil, survive with that, but most of them don't. The real things that author wanted to show us was this, I think so. I can think it with your review, thank you.

Seungkwon Yang I totally agree with that sentence, 'This is not a pretty book.' Yes, this is not a pretty book, but a terrifying book. It makes me terrified that whenever war takes place, these kinds of things would happen every time. The expressions Ruta has written in this book is pretty, and beautiful. But the meanings of those wonderful expressions are mostly completely not wonderful. With these expressions, Ruta successfully emphasized the tragic situation of Lina, her family, and Lithuaninans. I could really enjoy this 'not pretty book' thanks to the pretty expressions.

message 33: by EUI (new) - rated it 5 stars

EUI JUNE When I saw this sentence : 'This is not a pretty book.' I was totally impressed, because, that remark gave me exactly what I wanted to say. In this book, there was no beautiful fantasy. Only the harsh and cruel reality appear in this book. But even in that situation, characters doesn't lose any hope and keep trying to live their own life. Same with your comments, My favorite among the main characters is Lina's Mother. She was not only charitable but also strong woman. Even in that chaos, she didn't give up and tried to save their children. I agree with your comments : 'She has such an incredible flame and kindness in her.' Yes, she was the most impressive person while reading this book. Nice comment :)Between Shades of Gray

Jiyoung Kim As you said, this is not a pretty book. This book broke my worst habit which is reading 'pretty' books. I read this because of my school project but I totally agree with your 5 reasons to read this book. We can meet new sides of war, that is, heroines in the middle of the tradegies of the war. I was so touched by the kindness of Lina's mom. She never lost control and took care of Lina and Jonas till her death. This book is worth to read and I'm going to read the another book Ruta wrote too. Nice comment.

Doohyun Hwang Well...when I first see your review, I was surprised to know that it was not a pleasure for you to read the book. Although It's may be because I did not deeply read the book, but I just read it without any feeling of what you had felt. But, I totally agree with what you mentioned as the five reasons why we have to read this book. As you said, it offers us side facts that we were not aware of. We ought to know it and look at it in a comprehensive way. More, I could get many lessons while reading it. And It will be same for other students except for me. Thank you for nice review.

message 36: by 심준보 (last edited Jun 24, 2017 07:42PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

심준보 'This is not a pretty book.'
I also think that this book is not just a novel but it is an evidence that reveals how cruel the Soviet Union was. And I also agree with the five reasons why we have to read this book. Especially, for me, I agree with your number 2. Even though Lina's mom was also in hard conditions, she didn't give up protecting her children and that's a mother who was often portrayed as a "sacrifice."
Thank you for giving me such a nice opportunity to share my opinion with others.

ChanyeongKim I agree.
Actually, the first time I saw the title and the cover of this book, I underestimated what the book says. It seemed to be a pretty book, which is about the survival of a Lithuanian girl. But, as you posted, it is not a pretty book. This book carries the history of deportation of Lithuanian in World War 2. It was not only the story about the girl who was suffered from the bitter cold. The first sentence you posted inspired me. thank you

message 38: by Ahn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ahn Do Yeon I also agree with your opinion. I did not know much about the Lithuania before reading this book. I just know about the Jews and Koreans. But through this book, i could know that there are a lot of people who suffered by the World War. I was really shameful because I could not know about them. I also agree with your opinion that Lina's mother is a heroine of this story. She always sacrificed for her child and other people. She shared her food and her language talent. I think Lina's mother is really great woman. Thank you for sharing your opinion for everyone.

Andrew Seo I also agree with you opinion that mom is the heroine in this story. After reading book, I’ve only thought about the hidden history which was veiled by the power (USSR) and Women’s rights because in this story, Lina had an experience of almost being raped. But I’ve never thought about the norm, maternity. In this book, Mom really sacrifices herself for her children. By reading your review I could remind the maternity of Lina’s mom in the book, and I could have a time to think about what maternity is. I really appreciate you. Moreover, I totally agree with you that this book is not just a book. For me, it felt like a harsh documentary film. By reading your comment here, it inspired me a lot in several ways. Again, I really thank you for sharing your precious opinion here.

김지민 Before commenting, your review was so impressing because I can know that you read this book really carefully and have a very big interest in it. I was also able to realized that I had missed.
I totally have the same opinion with you about number 1,2. I also didn't know about specific thing of World War 2. I just vaguely assumed that it must be terrible and the Poles must be seriously victimized.After reading this book, now, I exactly know how the war had humiliated the victims and I realized the cruelty of it.
I think the Mother was almost an angel. She didn't hesitate to share food to others. She sacrificed herself to her children, Lina and Jonas, to the end. You're right. She's heroine. The warm-hearted angel heroine.
This book is not the one that can pleasure the readers. But still I think it is beautiful in another meaning because I was so impressed by the neighborly love of Lithuanians, the sacrificial love.

message 41: by Yae Rin (last edited Jun 25, 2017 02:58AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yae Rin Choi I also felt like you while reading this book. Before I started to read 'Between shades of gray', I wondered what this book is about. However, after I found out that the background of this book is World WarII, I got to be more curious about it. Since I was young, I had faced with many books, but I have never read book whose background is the World War II. I think this factor made me read this book with more interest. Also, I think the character 'Mom' did a big role in this book. Without mom, Lina and Jonas couldn't endure such a harsh environment. The role of mother was stand out in the whole reading! I also thought of my mom who always sacrifices herself for me, and my brother. This book made me think a lot of things at once. Anway, it was a wonderful reading, and I want to recommend this book to all of the people in the world! Thank you for a good comment!

Haneul Choi I can see you how you like this book! Your five reasons make people realize how much the book is well-written. To me, reason two was very impressive because I feel like that too. I can also see how much Lina’s mother sacrificed herself to save not only her children but also other people. She is like you said, one of the best book moms.
I also like the reason number 1. I didn't know how terrible situations were to prisoners like Lina and others. It is nice to see Lithuanians have such national pride. They deserve it because it is hard for anyone to survive through those environments.

message 43: by Mirae (new) - added it

Mirae Hwang I totally agree with your opnion. Same as you, I also didn't know the brutal things that Russian(NKVD) commited to Lithuanian. While I was reading this book I found the video that the writer explain why she wrote this book, and I want to recommend to you. Like you, I also liked it because there is a story that touched me. It was Lina's mom. As you said, she devote herself to save her children, and fight with NKVD.
Also as you said in number 5, I really love the author because she depict the story really well. Thank you for great comments.

Minji Kim I also think like you. I can say this is my best book ever. This is my fourth time reading English book. This was the first book I have really liked after read this one. And after I read this book, I did a research about this one. So, I found that Russian - Korean. There were also some people like Lithuanians. And I want to recommend a book 'Salt to the sea', this book is also written by the writer Ruta Sepetys who wrote this book. In this book, Lina's cousin, Joana is a character of this book and it is also a story about the sad history.. The first sentence you write on this review made me read yours. This is not a pretty book. I agree with that and the contents you wrote on your review was great. Thank you for your great comments and It was really nice to read your review. Thank you:)

Ye-Eun Lee I love Lina's mother like you because she is strong human. While reading this book, I thought her action to refuse NKVD's spying and keep her principle is very brave too. It was easy for me to recognize your opinion thanks to separation using number. I could feel empathy how this book is special to you.

Nakyung Kim Mom, and the side of WWII that I didn't know before. That were the point that I could also agree. We are more likely to be exposed to the Holocaust. Even though those are both terrible situation, we only know about the fact about the Jewish. We don't have a right to say which is more painful and pitiful, but at least we should put bunch of efforts to the 'un-known' side about the history in fact.

SoJeongMin I totally agree with you about the reason why this book is worth reading, This book takes us to labor camps in Siberia and Arctic, and feel their pain and love vividly.

Marshall Lee "This is not a pretty book." , I must agree with this sentence. Although Andrius and Lina's love was pretty sweet, we can't say this book is essentially pretty. Reading this book, I felt quite uncomfortable. But still, this is worth reading.

KimJiwon20902 I think I agree with you. This novel was quite brilliant for me. I don't read the novel about the war, or something tragic. I had waited for mother's success(survival), but there was no ending for my hope. So I hope there is no more tragic in our era, in this future world, and if there are, I want to do effort to fix our reality.

Geonhui JO Yes, this is not a pretty book, it has horrible stories inside. But, as you wrote, we should read this book, and think. I agree with your second reason. Mother always keep Lina, and Jonas, and she speaks Russian so well that she can translate it in between. She even takes care of the bald man. She is the real heroine. I am so sorry for her passing.

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