David Kemp's Reviews > Renaissance: The Power of the Gospel However Dark the Times
Renaissance: The Power of the Gospel However Dark the Times
No fluff zone
There's a place for light reading, quick devotional thoughts, and snappy quips and quotes, but to really change and advance you need to be intentional about shaping your thinking, for all great advancements began with great thoughts and ideas.
Therefore, it is vital to expose yourself to great thinkers who both challenge and inspire you--Os Guinness is a good person to include on your short list. And this book would be a good place to begin.
There's a place for light reading, quick devotional thoughts, and snappy quips and quotes, but to really change and advance you need to be intentional about shaping your thinking, for all great advancements began with great thoughts and ideas.
Therefore, it is vital to expose yourself to great thinkers who both challenge and inspire you--Os Guinness is a good person to include on your short list. And this book would be a good place to begin.
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December 6, 2016
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December 6, 2016
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December 24, 2016
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