Kate's Reviews > In Dark Service
In Dark Service (Far Called Trilogy, #1)
Kate's review
bookshelves: 2017, fantasy, never-again, no-decent-female-characters, lack-of-women, didnt-finish, library-book, 2016, bechdel-failure
Jan 04, 2017
bookshelves: 2017, fantasy, never-again, no-decent-female-characters, lack-of-women, didnt-finish, library-book, 2016, bechdel-failure
It's not often that I don't finish a book, but this was truly awful. Clunky characterisation, single dimensional male characters and non-dimensional female (lack of) characters. God knows how this got published, it really didn't deserve to be.
I read about a third of it, then skipped a bit and read some more, and it didn't get any better. I didn't need to read what happened in the bit I missed - I guessed what was coming and yes, it didn't deviate. All I can say is thank goodness I didn't buy it, I can return it to the library. I might put a note inside suggesting that people don't bother borrowing it!!
I read about a third of it, then skipped a bit and read some more, and it didn't get any better. I didn't need to read what happened in the bit I missed - I guessed what was coming and yes, it didn't deviate. All I can say is thank goodness I didn't buy it, I can return it to the library. I might put a note inside suggesting that people don't bother borrowing it!!
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