Ivy Deluca's Reviews > Barbarian's Lady

Barbarian's Lady by Ruby Dixon
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really liked it

3.5 stars
Another enjoyable entry in the Planet Blue Balls saga. I gotta say I’m impressed how Ms. Dixon manages to give me a little something new while playing with the familiar formula for this series. Kate’s a bit of a Negative Nelly at first and Harrec is a bit oblivious to how his “compliments” landed like a lead balloon with her, but as they grew on each other, they grew on me. Onward Ms. Dixon...I’m still riding this cracky fun train with you.

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Reading Progress

February 18, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
February 18, 2017 – Shelved
March 9, 2017 – Started Reading
March 12, 2017 – Finished Reading

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