Maria's Reviews > The Steam Tycoon

The Steam Tycoon by Golden Czermak
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This was a new genre for me but I have read other books by Golden so figured....let's give it a shot.

Now I'm not sure what I expected but this, it dragged at moments and others it felt it flew by too quickly.

Jesse and Jenny, I liked their character and what they wanted for their lives. Dreaming of overcoming the class difference so that everyone could enjoy the wealth and riches of their hard work. Both suffer tragedy at young ages and you can see how that impacts them as adults.

Frost is Jesse's business rival and an all out nasty man. Not just because of his psychotic obsession with a one of a kind sex-bot he built to look like his lost love that he never really had.

Aero is the sex-bot who it turns out is more human than some humans. He understands love, compassion, and knows clearly what is the right thing to do. He also realizes that the "life" he has with Frost is not life but just an endless form of torture and abuse.

Aftershock...the banished ex-leader of a band of raiders. His secret yearnings and longings told to the wrong person have led him to be shunned by all. Except our rag tag bunch....Jesse, Jenny, and Aero.

There are other side characters that make for some fun conversations. There are lessons all over the story. That even as we hit our goals remember to bring up others with us. Every person deserves love and respect. And the ever important, never judge a book by it's cover.

Now with the way the book ended I am interested in seeing if this journey will continue and how these characters will once again interact with one another now the "bad guy" is dead....but he wasn't working alone was he???

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Reading Progress

February 22, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
February 22, 2017 – Shelved
June 2, 2017 – Started Reading
June 10, 2017 –
page 230
July 26, 2017 – Finished Reading

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