Terri Lynn's Reviews > Race Matters
Race Matters
I had to read this for a doctorate class. To sum it up, white liberals are at fault for treating blacks like kids and thinking they need white taxpayers to support them, conservative whites and blacks are at fault for expecting blacks to take on personal responsibility and get an education, not commit crime, don't get pregnant until married and other acts deemed to be "white" which makes the middle class and upper class blacks who do so Uncle Toms, and being black must be the center of a black person's existence even if it isn't. The fact that slavery once existed over 160 years ago and Jim Crow existed means permanent affirmative action. Oh goodness. Even the parts about black sexuality make no sense. West is the director of the black studies program at Princeton which essentially graduates black students with a useless major- but hey, that's the fault of whites too.
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message 1:
May 31, 2017 08:04PM
"Doctorate" or not (so nice to name-drop your credentials, to legitimize your bias) your perspective is what's holding back this country from understanding what has happened to, and what is currently happening in black communities and with blacks themselves. I came here to see if I should read Race Matters (after hearing about the Cornel West/Ta-Nehisi Coates issue that I found out about while reading Between The World And Me, and low and behold, here is another white victim. Why can I never get past you professional victims who perpetually whine so you can lay blame to blacks for your white victim hood?