Amy's Reviews > Wolf's Kingdom

Wolf's Kingdom by Amber Ella Monroe
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's review

it was amazing

This is a great read. My only issue has nothing to do with the writing or's that I read this without having read the previous seven books first, although it is a stand alone. I plan on going back to read them in order to get the full experience, but since I've already read this one I'm sure I've spoiled some things. There were times in the story that hinted to previous meetings so I knew I was missing something. Again, that's my fault. Amber Ella Monroe does a great job of telling Tristan and Elisa's story. It's got some hot love scenes (mature content) and a bit of violence. There is some intrigue as well...a story real line. I had a hard time putting this book down and ended up reading it through in one sitting. I definitely recommend this book, but like I said - it'd be a better experience if you read the previous books first. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series. Now if you'll excuse me I have seven other books to go read...

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October 2, 2017 – Shelved

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