Jenn Doyle's Reviews > Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Last Gleaming

Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Joss Whedon
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: graphic-novel

You're probably not going to want to read this review if you haven't read the graphic novel. There's going to be all kinds of spoilers and storyline mentioned. You've been warned...

Okay, now to get into the story. There were lots of things I liked (even loved), and there were other things that just didn't set well with me. First, the things I loved -

Spike! The way Spike is portrayed in Last Gleaming has me more convinced than ever that he's twice the character Angel is. Think about it - Spike has a soul & no curse. And he's STILL badass. And heck, even when he didn't have a soul he was much more concerned with the world & better at making epic decisions than Angel. Really love that through Last Gleaming Spike states his intentions, keeps to his intentions, and then goes on to fight the next battle. He's definitely matured and come into his own.

Faith! One of my favorite lines she says in Last Gleaming "Where's the man-bitch formerly known as Angel?" Pretty sure she just summed up my estimation of Angel with those words. Faith has also matured immensely in this volume of Buffy S8. Granted, this is Buffy S8, not Faith so not surprised she didn't get more time in the pages. I still suspect that something went down between Faith & Giles that they decided not to talk about when they rejoined the other slayers. But Faith just brought the guidance the younger slayers needed when Buffy was distracted by Angel (as always) and really just for me, became THE slayer in this volume.

Willow dumped Kennedy which is the only thing that ever made sense to me in their entire relationship. I had no problem with Kennedy, but all they seemed to have was sex...and that is not enough to base a relationship on.

Xander and Dawn got a place together & for once Xander may not lose a girlfriend. I mean, I guess they could kill Dawn off, but they've gone to alot of trouble to keep her around.

Stuff I didn't like -

Giles getting himself killed. By Angel. Really? Why not have Buffy just kill him herself. I understand the character enough to know he did it so Buffy could defeat Angel, but I sure as hell don't like it. I am looking forward to the Faith and Angel comics, but much more because of Faith than Angel.

The end of magic. I don't think that really needs an explanation.

Buffy being Buffy and fantasizing about shagging Spike right after she had nudey shenanigans with Angel thereby creating a new universe. Make up your mind already Blondie, because these boys are not going to share.

Looking forward to the next Season...perhaps the blonde one will finally see Spike for what he is instead of looking to the past....
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Reading Progress

October 2, 2011 – Started Reading
October 2, 2011 – Shelved
October 4, 2011 – Finished Reading
October 7, 2011 – Shelved as: graphic-novel

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Berneta Haynes Excellent review. My thoughts exactly.

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