Cheryl's Reviews > The Rabbits' Wedding

The Rabbits' Wedding by Garth Williams
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really liked it

I read an oversize edition. Lovely; it scaled up well (assuming it was originally closer to the size of a Little Golden Book).

I think Williams was being disingenuous when he denied that the couple were a metaphor for mixed race love. After all, the rabbits are very clearly black, and white. And though they are perfectly fine playmates and have no reason to fear they'll be separated, they still feel the need to get married, to truly belong to each other. So, yes, an important book then... and, unfortunately, still impportant now in some communities (likely, the ones who have tried to ban it).

Highly recommended to all of you, my friends.
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message 1: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn I've always liked his illustrations so I'm glad to hear this. This sounds wonderful, and important!

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