Mike's Reviews > Art of War

Art of War by Petros Triantafyllou
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it was amazing

I love anthologies. I love being able to read a book in bite-sized chunks, and I love being able to sample authors I’ve never read before without the commitment of trying an entire book. This was a good one, with lots of stories that I enjoyed in lots of different ways.

And now for some rapid fire thoughts on my favorites.

Laura M. Hughes: Her letter from Helen to Menelaus, and her determined refusal to let her face get blamed for the Thousand Ships, is delightfully perfect for the era of #MeToo.

Timandra Whitecastle: Holy crap. After that story, I need a fuzzy blanket, a mug of cocoa, and a puppy.

Sebastien de Castell: That was super interesting. Greatcoats gets moved up the queue.

Andrew Rowe: Ditto for Sufficiently Advanced Magic. That was hilarious.

Mazarkis Williams: This one mostly made me go, “Huh. I’m not sure what this was, but I liked it and I want more.”

Nathan T. Boyce: OK, that just pissed me off. But in a good way.

Nicholas Eames: First one from an author I’ve already read and liked. This was a nice bite-sized introduction to his style. Recommended for those who are curious about Kings of the Wyld (which you should read, cause it’s awesome).

Benedict Patrick: I like fantasy folk tales. This wasn’t something I was expecting, but I really liked it.

Zachary Barnes: Once I realized what exactly I was reading, I loved it.

Michael R. Fletcher: First of all, this story is listed as having been written by “the combined efforts of Michael R. Fletcher’s Doppels.” I’m assuming there’s an explanation for that, but I don’t know it. The story itself was a lot of fun. He’s another added to my “check out what else he’s written” list.

Dyrk Ashton: I just recently read and enjoyed Paternus, and this was a nice side story. Not so sure how well it will work as a sampler, a la the Eames story I mentioned earlier, because it’s a very different style, but I loved it. Nicely addressed a few points the book had left me wondering about.

Miles Cameron: Cameron knows how to write about battle, and shows it off very well here. Another excellent sampler.
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Reading Progress

December 29, 2017 – Started Reading
December 29, 2017 – Shelved
January 9, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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Petros Triantafyllou Thank you for the great review mate, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Nathan Thanks for the kind words and your support on this project!

paolojackson Sagullo Is this going to be released as an ebook only?

Petros Triantafyllou paolojackson wrote: "Is this going to be released as an ebook only?"

No, there will be a paperback as well!

paolojackson Sagullo Great thank you looking forward to it!

message 6: by Andrew (new) - added it

Andrew Thanks for reading the anthology and the kind review!

Zachary Barnes Thanks for the review, Mike!

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