Chapter And Hearse's Reviews > Chasing the Red Queen

Chasing the Red Queen by Karen Glista
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it was amazing

Iridescents are immortals who feed on human blood. They have exceptional abilities including their sense of smell, by which they identify others. Donja is an ordinary American teenager but is about to find herself thrown in at the deep end, experiencing the Iridescent world for herself. A rogue Iridescent is responsible for a string of murders and Iridescents are keen that the perpetrator doesn’t draw attention to their kind. Thus ensues the meeting of two worlds and the discovery that everlasting love does exist.

This is a whirlwind of a story, detailing thousands of years of Iridescent history and the pace doesn’t let up once. This is the adventure of a lifetime for a young woman who discovers she is sacred, thanks to her rare blood group and ancestry. Readers looking for something a little different, to keep them on their toes will not be disappointed by this.
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March 26, 2018 – Shelved

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