Nancy's Reviews > Race Matters

Race Matters by Cornel West
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really liked it
bookshelves: blm

I so wish I was close enough to Princeton to be able to take a course or two of his there - although I hear he is moving to Union Theological Seminary soon to teach there.

Race Matters is a series of lectures exposing and criticizing the moral ethics of racism and many other isms that run side by side with racism.

The beginning story from Cornel West's real life experience in preparing this book for publication says it all. Nothing trumps the lived experience. As Bob Marley said - who feels it knows it.

Very thought-provoking. I so admire the man for his openness to debate and his clarity of position and thought.

I followed West throughout the run up for President - supportive of Obama but with a critical edge.

I'll probably read this book again soon.
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
November 24, 2011 – Shelved
June 7, 2022 – Shelved as: blm

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